The object of the study is the process of physical therapy of elderly women with the consequences of osteoporotic distal metaepiphysis radius fracture and dementia.
The purpose of the study is the theoretical justification, creation and verification of the effectiveness of a comprehensive program of physical therapy of elderly women with the consequences of osteoporotic distal metaepiphysis radius fracture and dementia, aimed at improving their functional capabilities by improving the functioning of the upper limb, reducing the risk of falling, correcting the neuropsychological state, facilitating the performance of activities of daily living.
Research methods. Analysis of special and scientific and methodological literature. for the structural and functional characteristics of the injured upper limb, the amplitude of movements in the radiocarpal joint, the strength of the hand were measured by dynamometry. The results of the completeness of the fracture treatment were characterized by the Gartland & Werley Score. The state of hand motor skills was determined by the test nine hole peg tast, the test "Box and blocks". The assessment of limb function was carried out by the Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation, the ABILIНAND questionnaire, Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Outcome Measure. As diagnostics of fall risk indicators, the results of the Short Physical Performance Battery, Functional Gait Assessment, ABC-Scale, Berg Balance Scale, Fall efficacy scale were evaluated. Neuropsychological research was carried out using the Montreal Assessment Cognitive Rating Scale, Digit Span, Тrailmaking test, Symbol Digit Modalities Test. The psychoemotional state of women was assessed by the Geriatric Depression Scale. The asthenia of women was characterized by the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory. The performance of activities of daily living was characterized by the Barthel Activities of daily living Index and the Lawton Instrumental activities of daily living Scale. To characterize life satisfaction, the Life-Satisfaction Questionnaire-11 was used. Theoretical and practical significance. Сonsists in creating a scientifically substantiated comprehensive physical therapy program for elderly women with the consequences of osteoporotic fracture of the distal metaepiphysis of the radius and dementia, which contributed to improving the amplitude of movements in the radiocarpal joint, increasing the strength of the hand muscles, improving the motor skills of the hand and fingers, the functional ability of the upper limb, improving static and dynamic balance, reducing the risk of repeated falls, improving memory and cognitive abilities, reducing psychoemotional depression, improving the performance of activities of daily living, reducing physical and mental asthenia; determining the criteria for choosing, sequencing, and dosing the use of physical therapy tools. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the substantiation of the scientific and theoretical foundations for the creation of a comprehensive physical therapy program for elderly women with the consequences of an osteoporotic osteoporotic distal metaepiphysis radius fracture and dementia. For the first time, a comprehensive physical therapy program for elderly women with the consequences of an osteoporotic fracture of the distal metaepiphysis of the radius and dementia has been scientifically substantiated and developed, the defining features of which are a combination of a therapeutic exercise program, “MAPS THERAPY”, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, massage and mobilization of the radiocarpal joint and wrist joints, kinesiological taping, cognitive-motor training, and training in the painful application "Re-Hand", a set of exercises Cogni-Package NCGG-HEPOP, telerehabilitation, training of patients' families, which distinguishes it from the general rehabilitation program; for the first time, data were obtained on the features of the course of osteoporotic osteoporotic distal metaepiphysis radius fracture in elderly women with dementia from the standpoint of effectiveness and features of rehabilitation intervention; for the first time, a comprehensive physical therapy program for elderly women with the consequences of osteoporotic fracture of the distal metaepiphysis of the radius and dementia was created in accordance with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, taking into account short- and long-term rehabilitation goals.