VINOHRADOV M. High-intensity interval training as an element of physical therapy for patients with left hemispheric hemorrhagic stroke in the subacute period of the disease

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 227 - Терапія та реабілітація


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7164

National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


The dissertation is devoted to the description of the selection criteria and the testing period for the use of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), the training program of the main and control groups in patients with left hemispheric acute cerebral circulatory disorder of hemorrhagic type and the display of a holistic algorithm for conducting intervention with the main group. The aim of the study – to scientifically substantiate, develop and describe an algorithm for the application of physical therapy measures using high-intensity interval training in patients with left hemispheric hemorrhagic stroke in the subacute period of the disease. The object of the study – the process of using high-intensity interval training as an element of complex physical therapy for patients who have suffered left hemispheric hemorrhagic stroke. Research methods – theoretical analysis and generalization of data from special scientific and methodological literature, analysis of medical records, clinical and neurological research methods and methods of mathematical statistics. The theoretical and practical results of the study are that the implementation of the developed algorithm for the application of physical therapy measures using high-intensity interval training contributed to the improvement of indicators in the domains of structure and function and activity according to the ICF, which in turn accelerates the option of early discharge of the patient, allows to increase patient turnover and is beneficial for the country. Scientific novelty: – For the first time, an algorithm for the application of physical therapy measures using high-intensity interval training in patients with left hemorrhagic stroke in the subacute period of the disease was scientifically substantiated, developed and described; – For the first time, the criteria for safe patient selection were defined and substantiated, and a trial program was developed and tested; – For the first time, an intervention program was developed as part of an algorithm for the use of physical therapy measures for people who have stroke, which consists of three components: the first is functional skills training, the second is strength training, and the third is high-intensity interval training lasting 8 weeks and 10 sessions per week; – For the first time , the structure and features of the use of HIIT are described; – were further developed views on restoring strength, endurance, walking speed, and reducing the risk of falling in patients with storke; – were confirmed data on the positive effect of high-intensity integrated training on the restoration of activity, mobility and independence of patients with stroke. According to the results of the dissertation study, it was found that the developed program of high-intensity interval training in patients with left hemorrhagic stroke in the subacute period of the disease, as part of the algorithm for the use of physical therapy measures for patients with stroke, is an effective method of recovery and it is advisable to use it to address issues of walking recovery.

Research papers

1. Віноградов М. М., Лазарєва О. Б. Високоінтенсивне тренування як засіб фізичної терапії при лівопівкульних геморагічних інсультах: огляд зарубіжного досвіду. Спортивна медицина, фізична терапія та ерготерапія. 2021. № 1. С. 90–94.

2. Віноградов М. М., Лазарєва О. Б. Критерії відбору та алгоритм застосування високоінтенсивного інтервального тренування в пацієнтів після ГПМК. Rehabilitation & Recreation. 2023. № 15. С. 27–33.

3. Lazarieva O., Vinohradov M., Bomko V. The effect of high-intensity interval training on gait performance in patients after stroke. Zdravotnicke Listy, Fyzioterapia a zdravie. 2023. Vol. 11. No. 3. P. 66–72. (Scopus, Q4)

4. Lazarieva O., Vinohradov M The effect of high-intensity interval training on post-stroke patients. Zdravotnicke Listy. 2024. Vol. 12. No. 2. P. 7–12. (Scopus, Q4)

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