Tetiana Kalytenko. Principles of constructing multiple fictional Universes in the literature of the Middle Ages and modernity. – Manuscript. The Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the field of study 035
«Philology». National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2021
The problem of the laws of the Universe is the one that permanently disturbs human consciousness at every period of historical development. This type of interest and search for answers are reflected in various spheres of life, including cultural phenomena. Analysis of the current way of development of literature and art provides the main conclusion: the fictional worlds and Universes are constructed by the principle of plurality. The multiple structures of the Universes are the basis of the plots of different current literary genres: sci-fi, fantasy, cyberpunk, psychological thriller, etc. Similarly, such a method of constructing of the Universe is inherent not only for literature, but also for cinema, computer games, graphic novels, music, sculpture, and painting. It represents the acute urgency and demand of such a structure that can provide many options and opportunities for the expression of creative ideas. However, as we know, this method of cosmogony is not a purely recent phenomenon that originated in the '60s of the XX century along with the development of science fiction, for example. The vision of the Universe as a plurality of alternate worlds is characteristic of modernism, Middle Ages, and pre-Christian forms of society.
The purpose. The result of the investigation of literary, cultural, historical, theological, philosophical, and other works of the other fields of knowledge will substantiate the category of “multiple fictional worlds/Universes” as a concept of the theory of literature. Also, the purpose of the dissertation project involves the creation of a new methodology of literary analysis which will focus on features of multi- worlds. The practical application of the methodology will be implemented on literary examples of the Middle Ages (Poetic Edda, Kyiv-Pechersk paterikon, and Teresa’s of Avila Interior Castle) and literature of Modernity (Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, Elias Lönnrot’s Kalevala, and Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles).
Subject and object of research. The subject of current work is the category of multiple fictional Universes as a theoretical literary category. The object of the dissertation is the ways of structuring multiple worlds in the literature of the Middle Ages and Modernity.
Methods. There are the following methods involved in the research: comparative studies; structural method; polycritical methodology of cultural studies; mythocriticism; new historicism; spatial analysis; close reading.
Scientific novelty. PhD-project Principles of constructing multiple fictional Universes in the literature of the Middle Ages and Modernity differ from previous researches on plural worlds and Universes. Current work theoretically comprehends the phenomenon of fictional plural worlds and also fixes a conceptual apparatus which appropriate to literature studies. Also, in the context of Ukrainian literary studies, current research is the first attempt to identify the main principles that form the multiple structures of the fictional Universes. The system of these principles is the basis of the methodology of analysis of literary texts which represents the plurality of fictional worlds. As follows, this new system helps to re-read and re-interprets well- known literary fictional texts.
Theoretical significance. The current study builds a bridge between modal logic and literary studies, focusing on literary-theoretical principles, distancing from logical and philosophical doctrine.
Scientific and practical significance. The current paper developed a methodology of analyzing the multiple structures of the fictional literary Universes relying on purpose, object, subject, methods, and research materials have given the above. Therefore, the theoretical and practical significance lies in the further use of its results in the context of such disciplines as “Theory of Literature”, “History of Literature”, “History of Ukrainian Literature” etc.
Key words. Comparative studies, national culture, the narrative, chronotope, the models of chronotope, space, own / other space, topos, dialogism, doubles, reality, modal logic, alternate worlds, multiple worlds, possible worlds.