Nesterenko Yu.A. Morphofunctional features of spontaneous recovery after spinal cord injury in mice of different sexes – Qualifying scientific work on manuscript rights.
The dissertation submitted to acquire the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, specialty – 091– Biology and biochemistry – Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NASU, Kyiv, 2025.
The manusсript is devoted to the investigation of morphofunctional features of nervous tissue recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI) modelling, and the effect of nervous tissue damage on the organs of mice`s genitourinary system (kidneys and urinary bladder; testes, epididymal appendages and seminal vesicles – in males; ovaries and uterus – in females). Using behavioral tests, the features of motor activity recovery ((Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan (ВВВ) scale and Basso (В) scale)) and the spasticity level (Ashworth scale) of the ipsilateral hindlimb (IH) spasticity in animals of both sexes after SCI were determined. By means of immunohistochemical analysis and hematoxili-eozin staining, the features of neurodegenerative processes in the spinal cord (SС), as well as morphological changes in the organs of the genitourinary system, were investigated.
In the work, the model of SCI – left-sided hemisection (LSH) was optimized, and it was performed for the first time on FVB mice of different sexes. Using behavioral tests, the indicators of locomotor activity and the level of spasticity of the IH were determined in animals of both sexes after SCI for a long period (up to 12-th month). Significant differences in indicators of locomotor functions and spasticity level of male and female mice’s IH with SCI compared to control and between groups were revealed. The correlation of function and spasticity indicators at different longterm terms of the post-traumatic period is shown, which indicates the post-traumatic recovery of the IH functional activity.
After immunohistochemical evaluation and additional hematoxylin-eozin staining of nervous tissue, the features of neurodegenerative processes in the SC of animals after trauma were demonstrated. Thus, signs of SC tissue`s inflammation, a long-term process of scar formation with manifestations of inflammation of tissues adjacent to the scar were found in the SC of experimental males during all the time of the study (up to 12-th month). Compared to males, in females with SCI, the signs of SC tissue`s inflammation were short-lived, a scar formation occurred faster, and the tissue adjacent to the intact scar zone showed short-term minor signs of inflammation.
The manuscript also shows morphofunctional changes in organs of genitourinary system in male and female mice after SCI. In particular, hematoxylin-eozin staining revealed signs of an active inflammatory process and swelling of kidneys and bladder in experimental male and female mice at various long-term post-traumatic periods. The reproductive system of males with SCI, namely, the testes and their appendages, also underwent changes in the form of stagnant and degenerative processes during the long-term study period. At the same time, in females only in the late stages of the post-traumatic period, slight degenerative changes in the uterus and the appearance of cystic formations in the ovaries were noted.