The thesis is devoted to defining the essence and disclosing the peculiarities of administrative and legal support for international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as to developing theoretical and practical proposals and recommendations aimed at improving administrative legislation in the relevant area.
The author has proposed to understand international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports as a joint, broad in scope and objectives, purposeful, transnational activity of two or more entities regulated by national and international legislation, which is organised and carried out with regard to the development of physical culture and sports. It has been highlighted that international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports has the following specific features: firstly, a special subject matter of legal relations - physical culture and sports; secondly, they are categories included in the list of objects of public interest; thirdly, the State represented by its authorized bodies and their officials is an obligatory party to such cooperation; fourthly, it has a unique list of legal principles of implementation.
It has been noted that the tasks of international cooperation are a kind of micro-goals, which are aimed at achieving the process of implementing this activity, namely: 1) development of the national sphere of physical culture and sports of Ukraine; 2) raising the international image of the Ukrainian State; 3) popularisation of physical culture and sports in Ukraine and the world; 4) development of new areas of physical culture and sports; 5) development of the social and labour sphere and creation of new jobs.
The author has distinguished the following range of subjects of international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as the specifics of their competence: 1) the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine - the legislative body that: a) ensures the publication of laws regulating the functioning of the sphere of physical culture and sports, as well as the specifics of cooperation in this area; b) approves the state budget and distributes it, thereby forming the financial basis for the functioning of the sphere of public life under study; c) ratifies international acts in the field of physical culture and sports 2) The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is the highest executive body vested with the authority to implement the requirements and provisions of the laws of Ukraine, as well as to formulate and implement state policy, including in the field of physical culture and sports. In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is the governing body in the system of executive authorities, which gives it the right to create and liquidate state departments, institutions and organisations, as well as to create a regulatory framework for their work; 3) The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine is the main subject of international cooperation, whose competence includes: a) directly concluding agreements with similar executive authorities of other states on international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports; b) implementing international standards and foreign experience in the field of physical culture and sports; c) implementing state policy in the field of physical culture and sports; 4) The National Anti-Doping Control Laboratory, which is responsible for ensuring the integrity and positive image of national sport and athletes, as well as for interacting with international organisations on anti-doping issues.
It has been substantiated that the functions of ensuring international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports are the areas of practical activity of specially authorised entities defined by the current legislation, which are aimed at solving the key tasks of such cooperation, as well as at organising and creating conditions for its effective implementation. It has been argued that the relevant functions should most appropriately include the following: integration, evolutionary, transformational, educational, organisational and evaluation.
The author has established that administrative and legal forms of ensuring international cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports are external, practical models of law enforcement activities of authorized public administration entities which are defined and regulated by administrative law and are aimed at creating legal, organisational, economic and other conditions for efficient and high-quality functioning of the relevant cooperation. It has been proposed to include the following forms: subordinate legislation, logistical support, coordination, performance of legally (administratively) significant actions, and financing of measures to ensure international cooperation.