Gapodchenko A. Alternative (out-of-court) methods of resolving legal disputes

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 081 - Право


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 6935

Dnipro University of Technology


The dissertation is one of the first comprehensive scientific studies devoted to the characterization of alternative (out-of-court) ways of resolving legal disputes. As a result of the research, a number of new scientific provisions, recommendations and conclusions were formulated, in particular: first: - arguments are given regarding the expediency of assigning the administrative appeal procedure to the system of alternative (out-of-court) methods of settling public-law disputes, where the principles of ensuring the requirements of administrative service and building the functioning of state authorities and local self-government on the principles of "good faith" governance should be recognized as dominant; - the expediency of revising the understanding of the content of the implementation of the principle of voluntariness as a principle of mediation and the introduction of a mandatory first session of the negotiation process for the settlement of certain categories of disputes (divorce disputes, disputes on determining the child's place of residence, tax disputes and a number of others) is substantiated, which requires the formalization of such procedures and revision of the content of the Law of Ukraine "On Mediation"; improved: - understanding of the content of approaches to determining the signs and classification of legal disputes as grounds for violations of the rights and freedoms of a person, which made it possible to single out such criteria for dividing disputes as: means of expression (peaceful and violent); level of manifestation (internal and external); term of validity (short-term, long-term and permanent (continuous)); the territory of distribution (object, regional, national, interstate, international); the reality of negative consequences (real and potential); periodicity (ongoing and emerging); form (open and latent); sphere of manifestation (political, socioeconomic, religious, ethnic); - approaches to the scientific and theoretical classification of self-defense measures, consisting in their division according to such criteria as: type of legal relationship; the nature of the restrictive influence; level of regulatory certainty; implementation procedure; result of application; - the conclusion that the implementation of scientific research to establish the essence and system of alternative (out-of-court) disputes takes place within the scope of consideration of their individual varieties, which does not allow establishing their structure on the basis of complexity; received further development: - a generalization of approaches to the classification of alternative (out-ofcourt) ways of protecting rights and resolving legal disputes, where such criteria for their division are highlighted as: purposes of application; the nature of the means of influence on subjects; the content and form of the adopted decision; regulatory basis for dispute settlement; level of formalization of the process; - understanding of the signs of alternative (out-of-court) ways of settling legal disputes, where the following are highlighted: confidentiality; efficiency; proportionality of the person's interests; cost minimization; - determination of the essence of arbitration as an object, subject and procedural content on the basis of its classification according to such criteria as: sphere of operation (international and internal national); scope of powers of the arbitrator (permanent and one-time ad hoc arbitration); spheres of economy and production industries (maritime arbitration, construction arbitration, arbitration of investment disputes, etc.); the normative basis of the settlement of the dispute (arbitration that regulates the dispute using the customs of business circulation, and arbitration that is governed exclusively by the norms of national legislation); imperative to implement the arbitrator's decision (mandatory and voluntary); - proposals for amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Mediation", "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" and to the Civil Code of Ukraine in relation to the researched problem using the modern methodology of legal technology in order to improve the legal regulation of the implementation of alternative (out-of-court) methods of settling legal disputes.

Research papers

Закопай А.Р. Самозахист як альтернативний спосіб вирішення правових спорів. Law. State. Technology. 2024. №1. С. 3-7

Закопай А.Р. Щодо визначення поняття «правовий спір». Juris Europensis Scientia. 2024. №1. С. 35-38

Закопай А.Р. Альтернативні (позасудові) способи врегулювання правових спорів: генеза наукових досліджень. Law. State. Technology. 2024. №2. C. 47-52.

Закопай Адміністративне оскарження як альтернативний (позасудовий) спосіб вирішення правових спорів. Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. 2024. №4.

Закопай А.Р. Сучасна медіація у Сполучених Штатах Америки. Молодь: наука та інновації: матеріали Х Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції студентів, аспірантів та молодих вчених, Дніпро, 23–25 листопада 2022 року / Національний технічний університет «Дніпровська політехніка». Дніпро : НТУ «ДП», 2022. С. 461-463.

Закопай А.Р. Альтернативні способи врегулювання правових спорів. Актуальні проблеми правової науки : матеріали Всеукраїнської науковопрактичної конференції, м. Запоріжжя, 29 лютого 2024 року / за заг. ред. Т.О. Коломоєць. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2024. С. 81-86

Закопай А.Р. Місце альтернативних (позасудових) способів захисту прав особи. Гуманітарні стандарти правових систем у сучасному світі: виклики, рішення, тенденції : матеріали Міжнародного науково-практичного конгресу у 2 частинах. Частина 2 (м. Запоріжжя, 16 травня 2024 року) / за заг. ред. Т.О. Коломоєць. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2024. C. 57-59

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