Huliak U. Motivational and Value Determinants of Combat Activities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Servicemen

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія

Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7758

The National Defense University of Ukraine


The scientific work is devoted to the study of motivational and value determinants of combat activities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Servicemen mobilized for a special period. The relevance of the research topic is determined by: Firstly, the current trends in the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their focus on reforming in accordance with NATO standards, the requirements of the guidelines for manning the Armed Forces with professional and motivated personnel, as well as the conditions of dynamic transformations taking place in Ukraine in connection with the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and the protracted nature of the armed struggle; secondly, the need to maintain the optimal level of motivation of mobilized for a special period, who must be able to perform their assigned tasks in conditions of prolonged hostilities, which is associated with constant risk and high threat to their lives; thirdly, the importance of psychological readiness of servicemen for combat activities, for the realization of which motivation is responsible, since it is motivation that determines how and in what direction the functional abilities of the serviceman’s personality will be used. The analysis of the available information has shown that it is intrinsically motivated soldiers who create a qualitative advantage in combat, find a way and achieve victory. In the context of combat, it is intrinsic motivation that is the most significant motivating factor for a civilian to join the military. The issues of personal values, freedom, choice, will, vision of the future, autonomy, self-regulation and self-determination take on increased significance. Sustaining combat activity in the most unfavorable conditions is possible only when such activity has meaning, which is seen inextricably linked to the concept of values. Intrinsic motivation is based largely on values such as ideology, nationalism, warrior spirit, etc., which are formed throughout life. It is genetically, culturally, and socially conditioned motivation. At present, psychological research shows differences in views on the psychological characteristics of the formation and functioning, as well as the structure of the motivational and value sphere of the individual. At the same time, the analysis of scientific works indicates that the motivational and value sphere is unique for each person and a complex structure that inspires a person, encourages and gives strength to overcome life’s difficulties. The structure and psychological features of the motivational and value sphere determine the orientation of the personality, its worldview positions, and the determination of the personality’s behavior in the context of its professional activity. The analysis of the state of scientific development of the problemhas revealed a certain lack of modern research on the motivational and value determinants of combat activities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen. These issues are partially reflected in the scientific works of I. Prykhodko, V. Osodlo, V. Stasiuk, V. Aleshchenko, O. Khmilar, O. Kovalchuk, O. Rybchuk, and others. In spite if the relatively broad coverage of studies on the personality and activity of a serviceman in extreme conditions, research on the motivational and value determinants of combat activities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen mobilized for a special period remains largely overlooked. Thus, the relevance of the scientific problem, which is due to its insufficient development in modern psychological theory and practice, led to the choice of the topic of our study. The conceptual framework of the study is based on philosophical views on the nature of human motivation, naturalistic, anthropological, social, situational-dynamic, cognitive, existential theories of motivation psychology, which correspond to the leading ideas of humanistic, activity, existential, and axiological approaches. The analyzed studies allow us to assert that the motivational and value sphere of a serviceman’s personality as an integral psychological formation is currently represented through the phenomena of the value-sense sphere, personal values, life goals, personal, social, and professional significance. Empirical studies of the motivational and value sphere are aimed at diagnosing the psychological processes that determine the formation, development, functioning, content of the value system and the formation of their hierarchy in the life of an individual. The theoretical analysis of scientific studies of the motivational and value sphere confirmed the versatility and dynamism of its manifestation in the process of activity of servicemen mobilized for a special period. In the course of the analysis, the psychological characteristics and structure of the motivational and value sphere of the serviceman's personality are highlighted and his motivational and value profile is described.

Research papers

Гуляк У.М. Професійна мотивація військовослужбовців: досвід іноземних армій. Вісник Національного університету оборони України, НУОУ, м. Київ, № 3 (67), 2022 р., С. 47-55

Гуляк У.М. Організаційна культура як чинник професійної мотивації військовослужбовців. “Науковий часопис”, НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова, м. Київ, № 20 (65), 2022 р., С.15-23

Гуляк У.М. Психологічна діагностика мотиваційно-ціннісних детермінант бойової діяльності військовослужбовців. Вчені записки ТНУ імені В.І. Вернадського, м. Київ, № 4, Том 35 (74), 2024 р., С. 34-41

Гуляк У. М., Лісневський В. Ціннісний компонент у структурі мотиваційної сфери особистості військовослужбовця. Вісник КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка “Психологія” №1 (19), 2024, С.11-16

Гуляк У.М. Вплив мотиваційно-ціннісних детермінант на бойову діяльність військовослужбовців: аналіз досвіду. Перспективи та інновації науки (Серія Педагогіка, Серія Психологія, Серія Медицина), вип. 10(44) 2024, С. 863-874

Гуляк У.М. Результати дослідження динаміки мотиваційно-ціннісних детермінант бойової діяльності військовослужбовців ЗС України призваних по мобілізації на особливий період. Наукові перспективи, м. Київ, 2024. Вип. 10(52). С. 1148-1162

Гуляк У.М. Модель мотиваційно-ціннісних детермінант бойової діяльності офіцерів та сержантів і солдатів ЗС України: порівняльний аналіз. Наукові перспективи, м. Київ, 2024. Вип. 11(53). С. 1308-1322

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