Gura G. Psychological Factors Influencing Decision-Making in Uncertain Situations Among Small and Medium Business Managers

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 53224

Higher educational institution “University of Economics and Law “KROK”


Gura G. N. Psychological officials praise solutions in situations of insignificance by the leaders of small and medium-sized businesses. The dissertation is theoretically based and experimentally studied by psychological officials to praise solutions for small and medium-sized businesses in situations of uncertainty. The first section of the dissertation is to theoretically frame the problem of appreciating management decisions in a situation of uncertainty. The evolutionary development of scientific phenomena about the psychological mechanisms of praise decisions is analyzed. In the context of a rational approach, the stages of the development process are clearly described, which determines the choice of the necessary information and the methods of cognitive processing. The work of scientists has been analyzed to directly reach a solution. Based on the results of the analysis of scientific research, a theoretical model of the readiness of managers to praise the decision in the minds of insignificance as a complex special creation, which embraces the cognitive, emotional-evaluative and motivational-regulatory components. Another section of the dissertation describes the methodology for conducting and the results of an empirical investigation of psychological officials and decisions in the minds of war among small and medium-sized businesses. 3 groups of pottery workers have been successfully trained: unsuccessful, successful and successful. The results of the analysis revealed that the unsuccessful group differentiates itself from the successful and successful groups only in the presence of dysfunctional strategies for making a decision. Therefore, the tendency to dysfunctional strategies for making a decision is a marker of the unreadiness of the minister to work in the minds of war. The presence of stress stimulates the rational and intuitive senses of the brain and provokes them to anxiety, procrastination, procrastination, anxious impulsiveness and shifting. variety. In this case, the rational approach is deprived of the head support of the cores when a decision is made. The intuitive approach takes a different place and negatively correlates with rational intelligence. The successful group has adopted a supportive approach, skill to risk and simplicity to planning. Tolerance to the point of insignificance allows ceramic workers to exploit the potential of a crisis for the development of their business. The third section of the dissertation is dedicated to the development and testing of training to praise the decision in the minds of insignificance. A two-month training program was presented (8 sessions of 120 hours each), prepared for use in an online format. The effectiveness of the program was confirmed by the results of a formal experiment (25 individuals in the experimental and control groups). The results of the post-training questionnaire are included; significant positive changes in professional skills were recorded during the training period; a regular analysis of the results of psychodiagnostic techniques has been completed. The research carried out reveals that crisis minds with a high level of insignificance will require a change in the strategy of praise decisions both at the level of individuality and at the level of the organization. First of all, it is necessary to balance between rational and intuitive ways of praising decisions. A positive effect is the emergence of spontaneous, unconventional, non-standard behavior patterns, which are not required in a stable environment. This covers areas of psychological training for managers to manage business organizations in stressed minds.

Research papers

Гура Г. Н. Психологічні механізми прийняття управлінських рішень: раціональність чи інтуїція. Вчені записки Університету «КРОК», 2022. Вип. 4(68). С. 123–131.

Гура Г. Н. Толерантність до невизначеності як чинник ухвалення рішень та стресової адаптації керівників бізнесу. Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія Психологічні науки. 2023. № 2. С. 39-49.

Сингаївська І., Гура Г. Психологічні особливості ухвалення рішень керівниками бізнесу в ситуації невизначеності. Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія. 2023. Вип. 29(2-3). С. 95-111.

Гура Г. Н. Впровадження тренінгу «Прийняття рішень в умовах невизначеності» для керівників бізнесу та підприємців. Вчені записки Університету «КРОК». 2023. № 4(72). С. 212-221.

Гура Г. Н. Підприємницька орієнтація як чинник адаптації керівників малого бізнесу в умовах воєнного стану. Науковий вісник ХДУ. Серія Психологічні науки. 2024. № 1. С. 18-28.

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