Bibik Y. Multifunctional materials based on spin transition iron-pyrazine complexes

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 102 - Хімія


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7509

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The thesis is devoted to the synthesis and study of the physical (electrical, mechanical, and thermodynamic) properties of functional nano- and composite materials based on Fe(II) spin-crossover (SCO) complexes containing pyrazine. In the first chapter, a literature review is provided, which briefly describes the phenomenon of spin crossover and its characteristics in a specific class of complexes ‒the Hofmann-type clathrate analogues. It also outlines the types of functional nano- and composite materials with SCO, methods of their synthesis and characterization of properties. The main application areas of functional materials with SCO and the key scientific achievements in these areas are discussed.

Research papers

Bibik Y.S. Switchable nanoparticles based on Fe(II)-Au(I) spin-crossover coordination polymer / Y.S. Bibik, I.O. Fritsky, O.I. Kucheriv, A.I. Marynin, G. Molnár, L. Salmon, A. Bousseksou, I.A. Gural'skiy // Journal of Molecular Structure. – 2024. – Vol. 1318. – P. 139302.

R. Li Colossal barocaloric effect of the spin-crossover compound {Fe(pz)2(BH3CN)2} near room temperature / R. Li, Z. Zhang, Y.S. Bibik, I.A. Gural'skiy, I.V. Zatovsky, Z. Liu, Q. Li, B. Li, G. Levchenko, B. Liu // Applied Physics Letters. – 2024. – Vol. 124. – P. 122202.

Bibik Y.S. Cooperative Spin Crossover above Room Temperature in the Iron(II) Cyanoborohydride–Pyrazine Complex / Y.S. Bibik, S. Shova, A. Rotaru, S. Shylin, I.O. Fritsky, R.D. Lampeka, I.A. Gural’skiy // Inorganic Chemistry. – 2022. – Vol. 61, No. 37. – P. 14761–14769.

Bibik Y.S. Tunable mechanical properties of [Fe(pyrazine){Au(CN)2}2]–PVDF composite films with spin transitions / Y.S. Bibik, J.E. Angulo-Cervera, R.D. Lampeka, I.A. Gural’skiy // Polymer. – 2022. – Vol. 238. –P. 124410.

Gheorghe A.-C. Anomalous Pressure Effects on the Electrical Conductivity of the Spin Crossover Complex [Fe(pyrazine){Au(CN)2}2] / A.-C. Gheorghe, Y.S. Bibik, O.I. Kucheriv, D.D. Barakhtii, M.-V. Boicu, I. Rusu, A. Diaconu, I.A. Gural’skiy, G. Molnár, A. Rotaru // Magnetochemistry. – 2020. – Vol. 6(3). − P. 1–8.

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