The dissertation is devoted to solving an actual problem - studying the basics of heavy oil processing technologies in Ukraine. During the research, the problem of extraction and processing of heavy highviscosity oils in Ukraine and the world was worked out. It has been established that the main world reserves of heavy high-viscosity oils are located in South and North America, the Middle East, and Ukraine in the Eastern regions. The analysis of various classifications of heavy high-viscosity oils, which are used both in Ukraine and in the world, was carried out. The main extraction methods of heavy high-viscosity oils are considered, particularly quarry, mine, and well. An overview of the technological processes of processing heavy high-viscosity oils was carried out. The involvement of heavy, highly viscous oils in processing to obtain an additional amount of fuel and bitumen is complicated by the fact that the data on their properties and composition are incomplete. The thesis describes in detail the study of heavy oils from the Yablunivske field of Ukraine, which allows choosing further ways of their processing. Namely, the fractional composition was investigated by the simulated distillation method, and the main physico-chemical characteristics, structural-mechanical properties, metal content, and elemental composition were determined. It has been established that heavy oils with a high sulfur content, practically do not contain light distillates, have high density and viscosity and a large amount of metals. Also, these oils have a high content of water and chloride salts, which indicates that they require additional dehydration and desalination. The rheological properties of high-viscosity oils from the Yablunivskoye field, which have the highest density, were studied using a rotary viscometer. According to the curves of the dynamic viscosity dependence and shear stress versus shear rate, these oils' flow nature is established, which has practical importance for evaluating the various methods' effectiveness of action on the rheological behavior of these oils during their extraction and transportation. Also, to improve the rheological properties polymer additives were added to the oils, and dynamic viscosity and shear stress were determined compared with the properties of pure oils. It was established that polymer additives and gas condensate addition improve the rheological properties of heavy oils, which also indicates the facilitation of their extraction and transportation. To reduce the viscosity, the studied oils of the Yablunivske field were diluted with gas condensate and then demulsified with various demulsifiers. It was established that it is expedient to dilute the oil with heavy gas condensate of the Yariv gas condensate processing department in the amount of 30 wt% per raw material, to dehydrate with nonionic demulsifier PM-1441 grade A based on block copolymers of ethylene oxides and propylene with a consumption of 1.0 ml (500 ppm), and the desalination process of highly viscous oils by mixing oil with fresh water (10 wt% for raw materials). At the same time, the dehydration degree can reach 99%. The use of plant and animal raw materials for the production of corrosion inhibitors for oil refining equipment is proposed. The synthesis of corrosion inhibitors based on oils and animal fat with di- and triethanolamine was made, and their physicochemical parameters were determined. The gravimetric method was used to determine the protection degree of the obtained inhibitors on St 20 steel in a two-phase corrosion medium simulating the medium of thermal desalination and dehydration plants in the conditions of oil preparation for processing. The five synthesized inhibitors based on plant and animal raw materials were selected to study the corrosion effect of a mixture of gasoline and diesel fractions obtained from heavy high-viscosity oil taken from 4 wells of the Yablunivske field. As a result of the oils' mixture distillation, it was established that the products obtained from the studied oils can be used as raw materials for the production of commercial gasoline and diesel fuels, and the residue of the process can be raw materials for the production of road bitumen. During the oils' mixture distillation, distilled bitumen was obtained that meets the requirements for road bitumen 100/150. To improve the durability and aging resistance of this bitumen, a polymer modifier (synthetic wax) was added to it. The research data showed that adding a modifier amount of 3% is appropriate and increases the operational characteristics of bitumen up to the BMW 60/90 brand. The basics of the processing technology of the mixture of heavy high viscosity oils of the Yablunivske deposit were developed, a technological scheme and a technological map of the process were proposed, and the material balance was calculated.