Danylyuk R. Scientific basis of the technology of ammonolysis and transesterification of esters with ethanolamines.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 161 - Хімічні технології та інженерія


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 1793

Lviv Polytechnic National University


This thesis presents the results of the study of the regularities of ammonolysis and transesterification of esters with ethanolamines in the presence of heterogeneous and homogeneous Bransted-Lowry and Lewis catalysts. In addition, the scientific and technical literature on the preparation of alkanolamides and aminoesters by the reactions of amonolysis and transesterification of esters with ethanolamines has been analyzed. The regularities of the interaction of pentyl acetate with monoethanolamine and mixtures of ethanolamines with various esters were investigated. A comparative analysis of the catalysts' efficiency was carried out, and an effective catalyst was selected for each process. The influence of the structure of the reagent, the effect of temperature, and the influence of the ratio on the course of the ammonolysis and transesterification reactions between esters and ethanolamines were analyzed. The kinetic characteristics of the ammonolysis and transesterification reactions were determined. To obtain alkanolamides and aminoesters, homogeneous catalysis is often used in the ammonolysis and transesterification reactions of esters with ethanolamines. However, the study of this process's regularities of heterogeneous catalysis has been less intensive. It has been found that heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts equally accelerate the ammonylation and transesterification reactions between pentyl acetate and monoethanolamine. In addition, the influence of catalyst, reaction temperature and reagent ratio on the conversion of reagents and the selectivity of formation and yield of reaction products was determined. It is shown that 2-aminoethyl acetate and 2-(acetylamino)ethyl acetate are intermediate products, and the main reaction product is N-(2-hydroxyethyl)acetamide. The yield of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)acetamide in 180 min reaches 68.9 % in a noncatalytic reaction, and 84.1-97.9 % in the presence of catalysts. Furthermore, it has been established that the maximum yield of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)acetamide is achieved in the presence of 2.5 wt % of the anionite catalyst AB-17-8 at a temperature of 393 K and a molar ratio of AA : MEA -1 : 1.5. The influence of Bransted-Lowry and Lewis catalysts on the interaction patterns of ethyl and butyl esters of propionic, oleic, acetic acids and a mixture of tri- and diethanolamines (diethanolamine content - 21 wt%) under nonstationary conditions with the distillation of the resulting alcohol was investigated. The following catalysts were used: cationite KU-2-8, anionite AB-17-8, potassium hydroxide, nickel oxalate, p-tin (II) and zinc p-toluenesulfonates, zinc oleate, cationite KU-2-8 with immobilized Ni2+ ions, and this ionite additionally treated with 0.1 M alkali solution for 1 hour. It was found that among the studied catalysts, H-cationite has the highest activity in the reactions between esters and ethanolamines. The effectiveness of KU-2-8 cationite in the H-form depends on temperature and, to a greater extent, on the molar ratio of ester and tri- and diethanolamines. The anionite AB-17-8 and tin (II) ptoluenesulfonate exhibit catalytic activity similar to KU-2-8 cationite. The modification of cationite KU-2-8 by immobilization of nickel ions improves its catalytic properties. However, the further treatment of the obtained catalyst with an alkali solution even leads to a decrease in the conversion of ethyl oleate. It has been shown that the main reaction that occurs during the interaction of esters of lower carboxylic acids with ethanolamines is the ammonolysis of butyl propionate and butyl acetate by diethanolamine. The same reaction occurs primarily during the interaction of esters of higher fatty acids with ethanolamines. The transesterification reaction of esters with amino alcohols obviously occurs at a slower rate. In general, the studied reactions of esters and ethanolamines are characterized by relatively low intensity (under the conditions of the study), even in comparison with the interaction of esters and monoethanolamine. In particular, in the reaction of butyl propionate with ethanolamines under nonstationary conditions at a molar ratio BP : EA - (1.2-4.2) : 1 and an average temperature of 401-414 K, for a reaction time of 140-340 min in the presence of 1-3.4 wt. % of cationite KU-2-8, the ester conversion is only 2.8-21.7 %. Using p-toluenesulfonic acid as a catalyst in a concentration corresponding to the amount of H-cationite ions added to the reaction between butyl propionate and ethanolamines provides only 9.5 % ester conversion within 90-120 min of reaction with subsequent inhibition of the reaction. The conversion of ester achieved in the presence of the anionite catalyst AB-17-8 is only 6.9 % over 270 min of reaction.

Research papers

Данилюк Р. В., Комарецька А. А., Мельник Ю. Р., Мельник С. Р. Закономірності взаємодії естерів аліфатичних карбонових кислот і етанол амінів [Електронний ресурс]. Наукові вісті Далівського університету. 2021. № 21.

Melnyk S., Danyliuk R., Melnyk Y., Stadnytska N. Study of the pentyl acetate and ethanolamine catalytic and non-catalytic interaction. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. 2022. Vol. 57, iss. 3. P. 439–450.

Данилюк Р. В., Мельник С. Р. Вплив каталізаторів на реакції між три- і діетаноламінами та етил олеатом. Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Серія: Нові рішення в сучасних технологіях. 2022. № 4 (14). С. 65–69.

Melnyk S. R., Danyliuk R. V., Melnyk Y. R. Ethanolamine and pentyl acetate interaction catalyzed by cation exchange resin: kinetic insight. Journal of Chemistry and Technologies. 2023. Vol. 31, iss. 1. P. 167–177.

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