Bryda O. Use of a pneumatic type apparatus for obtaining plant extracts as components of medicinal products

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 226 - Фармація, промислова фармація


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 1859

Lviv Polytechnic National University


The dissertation is devoted to the development of a new technology for the extraction of Origanum vulgare, Hedera hibernica, Pelargonium sidoides using a pneumatic press extractor and the introduction of the obtained extracts as components in medicinal product "PELARMAT-PLYSHCH syrup" and "PELARMAT-PLYSHCH tablets". The paper considers various options for LRS extraction, in particular, modern methods of dynamic extraction using a pneumatic press extractor to obtain extracts containing a complex of biologically active substances (BAS) with proven pharmacotherapeutic effect in respiratory tract diseases. The statistical data of the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Ukraine regarding this group of diseases for the period 2019-2021 were analyzed and modern literature data on their treatment, including the use of herbal preparations, were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, promising medicinal plants whose phytochemical composition provides a therapeutic effect in diseases of the respiratory system were selected, namely, common motherwort (O. vulgare), leaves of common ivy (H. hibernica), roots of pelargonium (P. Sidoides) and obtained from their extracts. Information on the chemical composition and application of the studied raw materials has been processed. The analysis of literary sources proves the expediency of using extracts of these plants as components for the development of new complex medicines for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases. The pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and some European countries was studied for herbal preparations, which include BARs of common motherwort (O. 15 vulgare), leaves of common ivy (H. hibernica) and roots of pelargonium (P. sidoides). On the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, 18 preparations from the BAR of St. John's wort, 29 preparations from the BAR of ivy leaves and 14 preparations from the BAR of the roots of pelargonium are registered on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. Most of these drugs are presented in the form of syrups (16 drugs) or liquid dosage forms (12 drugs) and tablets (10 drugs), the rest are extracts, medicinal plant materials and ointments. According to the ATS classification, the largest share of the assortment of preparations from St. John's wort belongs to drugs of group N05, psycholeptics (38.46%) and drugs of group R05, drugs used in case of coughs and colds (30.77%). The rest belong to groups G04 means used in urology (23.08%) and G02 other gynecological means (7.69%). Most of the medicinal products from the BAR of common ivy leaves and all from the roots of pelargonium found on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market belong to the group R05 means used in the case of coughs and colds. On the pharmaceutical market of Poland, there are 23 preparations containing ivy leaves and 3 preparations from the roots of pelargonium ochitkovyka included in the group of preparations that are used in case of coughs and colds. Preparations with BAR of the common motherwort are currently not registered on this market or the registration certificates have expired. On the pharmaceutical market of Austria and Liechtenstein, there is one registered medicinal product containing motherwort - this is a complex herbal tea for the treatment of asthma. There are 32 units of drugs containing the BAR of ivy leaves, which are included in the R05 group, remedies used in the case of cough and cold diseases and homeopathic drugs used for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases, and 11 drugs with the BAR of the roots of pelargonium are included in the group of drugs R05 . There are 8 preparations containing ivy leaves on the Croatian pharmaceutical market and they belong to the group of preparations used in case of coughs and colds. Preparations from the herb of common motherwort and the roots of pelargonium are not available on this 16 market.

Research papers

Брида, О. Р., Стадницька, Н. Є., Милянич, А. О., Малтиз, І. С., & Шалата, В. Я. Перевага методу екстракції з постійним рухом екстрагента на прикладі одержання екстракту кореня пеларгонії очиткової (Pelargonium sidoides). Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substances = Хімія, технологія речовин та їх застосування, 3 (1), 110–116.

Stadnytska, N. E., Bryda, O. R., Hajevska, A. A., Chervetsova, V. H., Lubenets, V. I., & Novikov, V. P. (2019). Influence of garlic extract on test-culteres of funguses. Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substances = Хімія, технологія речовин та їх застосування, 2 (2), 129–134.

Bryda, O., & Stadnytska, N. (2021). Antioxidant activity of a multicomponent remedy based on extracts of purifying pelargonium root, oregano, and ivy. Journal of Biochemical Technology, 12 (3), 53–58.

Брида, О. Р., & Стадницька, Н. Є. (2021). Pelargonium sidoides, Hedera hibernica та Origanum vulgare в складі фармацевтичних препаратів представлених на ринках України та Польщі. Фармацевтичний часопис, 3 (59), 37–49.


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