Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 035 - Філологія


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7988

Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University


The dissertation presents the conceptual foundations and discusses the theoretical aspects of the time-space / chronotope in literary studies. It traces the main trends in the scholarly reception of M. Dochynets' works, conducts a comprehensive study of the artistic chronotope in his prose, and analyzes the system of spatiotemporal imagery in his novels, medium-length, and short prose. The research substantiates the relevance of the topic, defines its objectives and tasks, clarifies the object, subject, and methods of study, and highlights the dissertation’s connection to scientific programs and themes. It also presents the source base, reveals the scientific novelty and practical significance of the findings, and outlines the forms of their validation. The relevance of the dissertation is determined by the necessity of a comprehensive study of the artistic chronotope in the works of Shevchenko Prize laureate M. Dochynets, which contributes to a deeper understanding of his individual style, poetics, and place in contemporary literary discourse. Since his creative legacy is still in the process of active scholarly interpretation, and the question of artistic chronotope in his works has remained largely unexplored, this study aims to fill this gap. The study's relevance is further reinforced by the ambiguity of literary approaches to interpreting the concept of artistic chronotope. The scientific novelty of the dissertation lies in refining and expanding theoretical and methodological approaches to analyzing the spatiotemporal parameters of a literary work. It is the first comprehensive examination of spatiotemporal characteristics in M. Dochynets' prose from the perspectives of axiology and mythopoetics. The research also provides an original typology of chronotopic models in his works, explores the poetological features of his epic style, and enhances scholarly understanding of his individual literary approach. Additionally, it contextualizes Dochynets’ prose within his interviews and other self-reflective texts. The study establishes that the concept of spatiotemporal structure is key to understanding literary works. In literary studies, the artistic chronotope is not only a topic of discussion but also an integral element of any literary work, determining its structure, character system, and depth of meaning. The research demonstrates that the artistic chronotope in M. Dochynets' works is distinguished by the author's preference for subjective rather than objective depictions of time and space. He achieves this by portraying them through the internal chronotope of his characters and his own authorial voice. This approach allows Dochynets not only to describe the external world but, more importantly, to explore the inner worlds of his protagonists. The dissertation establishes that the archetypal image of the road, deeply embedded in Dochynets’ spatiotemporal structure, becomes a key element in revealing the themes of life’s journey and identity. Another crucial chronotopic element is the image of Home, which the author often emphasizes graphically (capitalizing the word) and conceptualizes as the soul’s eternal quest for its true home. The ontological antinomies of the home–anti-home dichotomy further intensify this spatiotemporal motif. One of the key outcomes of the study is the analysis of character archetypes in Dochynets’ prose, which offers deeper insight into how chronotopes are shaped and transformed in his works, providing a holistic understanding of his artistic world. Dochynets frequently employs the archetype of the Wise Old Man, while the archetype of the World Tree, as a universal symbol of the connection between different levels of existence, defines the vertical structure of his spatiotemporal organization. The socio-historical chronotope in his works reveals epochal conflicts and character motivations, with the narrative space invariably linked to Mukachevo. The idyllic chronotope he creates conveys harmony and tranquility through natural settings and familial motifs, while his protagonists, transforming within nature, also bring harmony to the world around them. The study demonstrates that Dochynets’ style is marked by deep reflexivity and implicit expression of complex philosophical ideas, including through binary oppositions. The axiological dimension of his prose, shaped by metaphorical and aphoristic elements, is rooted in folk philosophy, morality, and Hryhorii Skovoroda’s "philosophy of the heart." The practical significance of the dissertation lies in its applicability for further research on M. Dochynets’ works, as well as its use in lectures, practical and seminar courses on contemporary Ukrainian literature. It may also serve as a supplementary resource in the teaching of theoretical and methodological disciplines for philology students in classical and pedagogical universities, as well as in the development of specialized courses, seminars, and elective disciplines.

Research papers

1. Криворучко В. І. Міфопоетика хронотопу в романі М. Дочинця «Мафтей. Книга, написана сухим пером». Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія: Філологія : збірник наукових праць. Випуск 51. Том 3. Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2021. С. 36–39. ISSN 2409-1154. DOI

2. Криворучко В. І. Особливості хронотопу в романі Мирослава Дочинця «Діти папороті». Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Сер.: Філологія. 2022. № 55. С. 129–132. ISSN 2409-1154. DOI

3. Криворучко В. І. «Європейська» людина у прозі Мирослава Дочинця. Вчені записки ТНУ імені В. І. Вернадського. Серія: Філологія. Журналістика. Спецвипуск, присвячений євроінтеграційній тематиці. Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2022. С. 62–66. DOI

4. Криворучко В. І. Рецепція ідей Григорія Сковороди у творчості Мирослава Дочинця: аспект хронотопу. Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Сер.: Філологія. 2022. № 57. С. 155–158. ISSN 2409-1154. DOI

5. Валентина Криворучко. Особливості часопросторових відношень у романі Мирослава Дочинця «Лис». KELM (Knowledge, Education, Law, Management): Scientific and practical magazine. Lodz : Fundacja “Oświata i Nauka Bez Granic PRO FUTURO”, 2022. № 3 (47). P.80-8. ISSN 2353-8406. DOI

6. Криворучко В. Деякі аспекти хронотопу в прозі Мирослава Дочинця. Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції «Тенденції та перспективи розвитку науки і освіти в умовах глобалізації». Вип. 80. 28 лютого 2022 року. Збірник наукових праць. Переяслав. с. 133-136.

7. Криворучко В.І. Архетип Старого Мудреця в романах Мирослава Дочинця. Modern problems of science, education and society. Proceedings of the 12th International scientific and practical conference. SPC «». Kyiv, Ukraine. 2024. Pp. 1071-1075. ISBN 978-966-8219-87-0.

8. Криворучко В.І. Ціннісні орієнтири та культурні практики як відображення хронотопу в творчості Мирослава Дочинця. European congress of scientific achievements. Proceedings of the 7th International scientific and practical conference. Barca Academy Publishing. Barcelona, Spain. 2024. Pp. 180-185. ISBN 978-84-15927-35-8.

9. Криворучко В.І. Концепція хронотопу війни в прозі Мирослава Дочинця. Innovations and prospects in modern science. Proceedings of the 12th International scientific and practical conference. SSPG Publish. Stockholm, Sweden. 2023. Pp. 597-602.

10. Криворучко В.І. Ознаки ідилічного хронотопу в романах Мирослава Дочинця. Science and technology: problems, prospects and innovations. Proceedings of the 5th International scientific and practical conference. CPN Publishing Group. Osaka, Japan. 2023. Pp. 295-299. ISBN 978-4-9783419-1

11. Криворучко В.І. Хронотоп дороги в прозі Мирослава Дочинця. Modern directions of scientific research development. Proceedings of the 12th International scientific and practical conference. BoScience Publisher. Chicago, USA. 2022. Pp. 670-674. ISBN 978-1-73981-126-6.

12. Криворучко В.І. Художній простір романів Мирослава Дочинця. Scientific progress: innovations, achievements and prospects. Proceedings of the 5th International scientific and practical conference. MDPC Publishing. Munich, Germany. 2023. Pp. 345-348. ISBN 978-3-954753-04-8.

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