Kovaliv M. Administrative, coercive and organizational measures of securing cargo preservation in railway transport units.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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Об'єкт дослідження - social, administrative legal relations originating, whicn arise in the law-enforcement bodies and railway transport bodies activity sphere concerning the securing cargo preservation. Мета дослідження - complex scientific analysis of the considered theoretical and practical recommendations concerning the improvement of the valid legislation of Ukraine, other legal statements and documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine concerning the securing cargo preservation as well as the development practical recommendations and suggestions as to improvement the effectiveness of activities of law-enforcement bodies in transport and activities railway transport bodies for prevention of the illegal eneroachments on cargoes. Методи дослідження - a) special-scientific (juridical, statistical, comparably-legal, structural); b) sociological (survey, questionnaire design, interviewing). Теоретичні результати і новизна - scientific novelty of th e theoretical results of the dissertation investigations lies in the approach to solution the qustions of securing cargo preservation with the purpose of improving the effectiveness of activities of law-enforcement bodies in transport and railway transport bodies as well as preventation of administrative offences. The stated theoretical postulate can be for source scientific base for further investigations of the cargo preservation order on the railway transport objects. bodies legal regulation both the arms circulation and the other subjects of the permission system. Практичні результати і новизна - the proposals, stated in the dissertation can be used on modification and additions in the current legislation of Ukraine and other legal statements for the purpose of their improvement as well by creation of the new legislative acts especially of the the instruction "About the work organization of the specialized groups of the military detence of the Ukrainian Railway and law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine". Пред мет і ступінь впровадження - the proposals on modification and additions in the Codex of Ukraine about administrative offences and other legislative and legal statements as well the project of the instruction "About the work organization of the specialized groups of the military detence of the Ukrainian Railway and law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine" were sent to the Centre of Law Reform, the Ministry justice of Ukraine, the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Ефективність впровадження - the separate proposals are already realized in departmental legal statements of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine (in general typical requirements to the cargo yards, store-houses, enterprises and other objects Railway Transport as to the organization of theer detence. The project of the instruction "About the work organization of the specialized groups of the military detence of the Ukrainian Railway and law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine" have received positive valuation in the Ukrainian Railway Military Defence Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Сфера використання - legislative process, preventive activities of departments of internal affairs, educational process.

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