Kanevsky A. Leptospiros horses (epizootology monitoring, cure, prophylaxy)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 16.00.08 - Епізоотологія та інфекційні хвороби


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.004.03

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Dissertation devoted to study epizootology of situation as for leptospirosis horses in economies of Khmelnitck domain, to development and to improvement of methods and cure methods, diagnistics, prophylaxy, organization of sanitary arrangements. Inquired into etiology spectrum and expressed, that leptospiros into horses call such serogroup: L. icterohaemorrhagiae 27,1%, L. pomona 16,5%, L. grippotyphosaе 16%, L. canicola 5,2%, L. hebdomadis 0,7%, L. sejroe 0,7%, L. tarassovi 0,3%. Under this in 33,3 horses % leptospiros for hours together two greater serotyp conditioned, among which L prevail. icterohaemorrhagiae or L. grippotyphosaе. Set, that in stationary unhappy economies on leptospirosis into young maria mark abortions on last жеребності month, births of dead or lacking vitality foals. In clinically sick horses leptospiros develop conunctivitis, ceratitis, wall-eyes, blindness, dermatitises. Into such animals marks a tendency to lowering of amount of red corpuscles (р < 0,05-0,01), haemoglobin, gematocrit, absolute amount limfocitis (р < 0,05), contents to carotin (р < 0,05), to calcium (р < 0,05), amount rise of leucocites to 11-13 Г/I, neitrofilis зсув вправо, into RМА they react in captions 1:200 and above. Shown, that for cure sick leptospiros of horses, and also to sterilization lepnospiro-carier expediently to employ streptomycin intravenously during 2-х day, gemosporidin from bicilin, kefzol and farmazin 200. Set, that general horses vaccination from 2-х monthly age with interval 6 of months and cure of patients with captions into РМА 1:200 and above on 10-14 day after vaccination by antibiotics is by effective wrestling sunset. A horses Vaccination for such scheme allowed in horses-economy to bring down infaction level for 2 years from 52% to 10%. A Controlled pasture change each 3-5 of day by means electroherds gives infection warning of healthy animals leptospirosis and gelmintis and contributes to improving from a health point of view. A infaction leptospirosis in economy for year fell downfrom 53% to 6,66%.


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