Lashuk N. Formation of media competence of future marketers in the process of professional training

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 13.00.04 - Теорія і методика професійної освіти


Specialized Academic Board

Д 79.053.02

T. H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Collehium"


The thesis is devoted to the problem of the formation of media competence of future marketers in the process of professional training. The general and specific factors in the formation of media competence of future marketers are analyzed, the essence of the concept of “media competence of future marketers” is revealed, the structure of media competence of future marketers is established, and three components (cognitive, motivational, interpretative and evaluative), criteria (informative, motivational-practical and reflexive-analytical) and indicators of media competence formation are identified, the levels of formation of media competence (basic, sufficient, creative and technological) are defined. The functions of media competence of future specialists (communicative, adaptive, protective, axiological, developmental, analytical, semiotic, aesthetic) are specified. The proposed pedagogical conditions are developed, systematized and substantiated: the organization of the media education space, the integration of media education elements and technologies in the process of professional training of the future marketing specialists; students’ involvement into creative media activities in the process of professional training. The model of formation of future marketers’ media competence in the process of professional training is developed. Objective, procedural-methodological and criterial-evaluative blocks of the model are determined. The objective block includes the aim, approaches, media theories, principles of formation of media competence. The procedural-methodological block consists of stages, pedagogical conditions, tools, forms and methods of formation of future marketers’ media competence in the process of professional training. The criterial-evaluative block features the structure of future marketers’ media competence, criteria, indicators, levels of formation of future marketers’ media competence and the outcome. Four stages of implementation of the model of the future marketers’ media competence formation in the process of professional training are identified: motivational-informational, communicational-functional, accumulative-organisational, praxeological-reflexive. The methodology of future marketers’ media competence formation with the introduction of an additional special course, social media resources, trainings, discussions, club meetings, webquests and media projects, etc. is presented and implemented. The results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed conditions of the formation of media competence of future marketers in the process of professional training.


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