Nychaia A. Rural Settlement Landscapes of Volyn Region: Current State and the Ways of Balanced Development

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 11.00.11 - Конструктивна географія і раціональне використання природних ресурсів


Specialized Academic Board

К 32.051.08

Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


In the thesis the methodical approaches to the estimation of the present state of rural settlement landscapes on example of Volyn region are improved. As a result of a detailed analysis of the basic scientific works in landscape science and constructive geography, the concept of «rural residential landscape» has been improved. Working on the scientific publications of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, the analysis of methods and approaches to the classification of residential landscapes, forms and planning types of their varieties, the typological structures of the class of residential landscapes were systematized according to the single criterion – land use type (built-up land). The algorithm of studying of draft of rural settlement landscape (on the example of Volyn region) is offered. The use of the landscape draft method for the practice of nature management is grounded. The study is based on the method of key areas (KA). Key areas are allocated at the administrative micro level (village and village councils, or village headman districts within a territorially united community): three within the Volyn Polesia and three within the Volyn Upland. This level of detail of the data of the settlement-landscape structure of the territory provided an opportunity to carry out a rather deep landscape analysis. The influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the formation of draft of rural settlement landscapes is analyzed. The modern structure has been investigated, the metric parameters of the draft of rural residential landscapes have been determined and their classification has been made for the territory of Volyn region. During the research using modern GIS and IT technologies, we constructed series of thematic character maps, digital vector models of dynamics and structures of rural residential development, matrix of residential-built land, graphs and matrix of neighborhood of rural residential landscapes. The classification of inhabited land for the purposes of cadaster of rural residential landscapes is substantiated. A model of balanced development of rural residential landscapes has been developed: comprehensive assessment of rural residential landscapes and metrication of residential-built lands; development of a cadaster of rural residential landscapes; ensuring the organization of monitoring the use of land, water, recreational resources within the rural settlement landscape; improvement of regulation of the process of district planning with the purpose of formation of aesthetically attractive rural residential landscape; organizing the study of the European experience in the formation of cultural landscape and its application in the practice of district planning using large-scale maps of rural residential landscapes.


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