Shulha K. Consolidation of banks: international experience and national practice

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.08 - Гроші, фінанси і кредит


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.006.04

Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman


The dissertation is devoted to the comprehensive study of theoretical and practical aspects of banks' consolidation processes. The thesis investigates main objectives and motives of bank consolidation. The thesis analyses main features of consolidation processes in USA, Europe and Asia. An analysis of the consolidation processes of banks in the USA, Europe and Asia has led us to argue that these processes occur unevenly, cyclically, depend on regional characteristics and intensify under the influence of financial crises and political turmoil. It has been determined that the most active consolidation processes are taking place in the United States. The dissertation focuses on consolidation processes of bank in Ukraine. The thesis includes deep analysis of regulation of bank consolidation processes. The author observes regulation procedures in USA, Europe and Asia, defining what can be implemented in Ukraine. It is emphasized on the need to introduce risk-oriented supervision of consolidation processes, as implemented in international practice, in order to prevent the occurrence of crisis phenomena related to instability in the country, the recent liquidity crisis and low financial sustainability indicators.


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