Veremeenko V. Features of development of force and endurance of schoolchildren of middle school age

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.02 - Теорія і методика навчання (з галузей знань)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 79.053.02

T. H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Collehium"


The dissertation research presents scientific and methodological approaches to the problem of the development of motor abilities in the system of physical education of high school students; peculiarities of development of motor abilities in middle school age pupils are revealed; generalized theoretical and methodological bases of development of motor abilities in the system of physical education of high school students; morphological and physiological peculiarities of development of middle school age pupils are revealed and characterized; the results of the researches determined the necessity of development of strength and endurance of middle school age pupils in physical education lessons; the author's differentiated program of development of strength and endurance by a circular training method and the combined method of development of strength in 2 and 4 weeks cycles of physical culture lessons. According to the results of the conducted researches the positive influence was established: – the level of development of strength and strength endurance of a local group of muscles of schoolchildren of 6-8 classes of methods of development of strength and endurance by the circular method of training and the combined method of development of strength in a 2-week cycle of physical culture lessons; – on the level of development of general endurance of students of 6-8 grades of the method of development of strength and endurance by the combined method of development of strength and the circular method of training in the 4-week cycle of lessons of physical culture. Yes, for girls and boys in grades 6-8, the increase in strength in the local muscle group has a positive effect on the level of development of overall endurance.


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