Popkov P. Settlement agreement in the economic process

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 12.00.04 - Господарське право; господарсько-процесуальне право


Specialized Academic Board

К 11.737.02

Donetsk Law Institute


The dissertation is devoted to the development of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for a settlement agreement in the economic process. The paper describes the main approaches to defining a settlement agreement in national justice. Concepts and signs of a settlement agreement in the economic process have been finalized. The types of settlement agreement are analyzed and their classification is made in the economic process. The tasks and functions of the amicable settlement in the economic process are clarified. The issues of the form and content of the amicable settlement are investigated, the questions of the procedure of its conclusion in the economic process and some aspects of the application of the amicable settlement in the bankruptcy procedure are elaborated. The peculiarities of appealing court acts on approval of a settlement agreement were identified, the issue of execution of court acts on approval of a settlement agreement was elaborated. Proposals for amending and amending the current commercial procedural legislation of Ukraine on the amicable settlement are substantiated


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