Finiv V. The Pragmatics of Lexical Repetition in Contemporary Ukrainian Flash Fiction.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 10.02.01 - Українська мова


Specialized Academic Board

К 20.051.02

Kolomyia Educational-Scientific Institute The Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


The thesis is concerned with the study of pragmatic features of lexical repetition in the texts of modern Ukrainian flash fiction. The object of the study is the repetition of lexemes used in the blocks of communication between characters and in the author’s speech of contemporary Ukrainian flash fiction. The subject of analysis involves the semantic, structural and pragmatic features of lexical repetition and its functional load in the studied texts.The introduction justifies the choice of the topic, its relevance, defines the subject, object, purpose and objectives of the study, highlights the methods and outlines the practical and theoretical significance of the work.The first section is called “Lexical Repetition: Conceptual Approaches to Characterization” and describes the theoretical foundations of the study, defines the content and status of the concept of “repetition of lexemes” in modern linguistic studies, analyzes the main methodological approaches to the interpretation of lexical repetition in Ukrainian linguistics, and in view of the study on the research material, we suggested our own definition of the term.In the key to our study, it is important to highlight the role of repetition not only in artistic speech (we mean author’s speech), but also in communication between characters, which we consider to be the prototype of the spontaneous real one.Thus, in the work, the repetition of lexemes qualifies as repeated reproduction in a certain segment of text (utterance, dialogical unity or fragmentation of author’s speech), identical in meaning and structure to synsemantic and / or autosemantic lexemes used for a certain communicative and pragmatic purpose.The second section is titled “Typology of Lexical Repetitions in the Texts of Contemporary Ukrainian Flash Fiction in Terms of Their Implementation of Communicative Categories” and analyzes the approaches of scientists to the typology of lexical repetitions. The criteria of classification of types of repetition of lexemes are defined, namely, repetitions are qualified according to the location (linearity) (contact, compatible, distant); the nature of the structure (simple contact, extended, circular, recapture, chain); multiplicities (two-, three- and multi-component); accuracy of reproduction of repetitive lexemes (exact (full, absolute), partial); part od speech (repetition of autosemantic words (nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, adverbs, verbs) and repetition of synsemantic lexemes); features of semantics (synonymous, antonymic, periphrastic, hyponymic).The complex multifunctional nature of lexical repetition has led to the study of pragmatic, structural and word-forming features of repetitive nominations within the same form, reduplicated lexemes with evaluative and implicit semantics.The thesis covers various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “implicit nature” and “evaluation”, analyzes lexical repetition as a means of expressing latency and axiosemantics in an artistic text on the communicative axis «character – character» and «author – reader».The third section is titled «Lexical Repetition as a Relevant Means of Explaining Pragmatic Meaning in Contemporary Flash Fiction» and concerned with defining the role of repetitive nominations in the formation and realization of strategic and tactical narratives of characters, in embodying the intentions of characters in communicative acts and global author’s intentions in a fictional text. The material of our study led to an analysis of the conflict-generating nature of lexical repetition in communication between characters and allowed us to analyze repetition in the aspect of communicatively unsuccessful and indirect speech acts.The conclusions summarize the results of the study of the pragmatic features of the repetition of lexemes in contemporary Ukrainian flash fiction. It was determined that the lexical repetition found in communication between characters and author’s speech are significant in embodying the textual category of coherence. The thesis singles out and systematizes the set of functions performed by word repetition in the texts selected for analysis. It is determined that lexical repetition as a repeated reproduction of identical in structure and semantics synsemantic and / or autosemantic lexemes is an important means of verbalizing the intentions of the speakers, the embodiment of the strategic and tactical program of the characters of contemporary Ukrainian flash fiction, is involved in the correction of communication failures, explication and decoding of indirect speech acts, and may be conflict-generating in nature.


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