Dynnyk I. Mechanisms of interaction between the state and civil society in the conditions of decentralization

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 25.00.02 - Механізми державного управління


Specialized Academic Board

К 26.142.06

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


The thesis presents a theoretical generalization and a new solution of a topical scientific task regarding identifying and substantiating the directions of improving the interaction mechanisms between the state and civil society on the basis of determining the prospects of such interaction in the context of decentralization. The historiographical analysis of the topic under study was conducted, which made the main approaches to the content of the concept, features of the formation and functioning of civil society, stages of its interaction with the state possible to be explored. The organizational and legal mechanism of civil society functioning in modern Ukraine was characterized, the presence of a sufficiently wide range of legislative acts regulating relations between the state and civil society was determined. Level characteristics of the organizational and legal interaction mechanism between the state and civil society in Ukraine were identified and studied, the basic legal acts regulating these relations were briefly analyzed and the institutional background facilitating their implementation was revealed. Based on the scientific sources analyzed, the various mechanisms of public relations regulation in the sphere of interaction between the state and civil society are combined into one system: regulatory, financial, economic, organizational and information and communication mechanisms. The conceptual model of the complex mechanism of interaction between the state and civil society has been developed and the degree of seizing potential opportunities of partnership of the interaction subjects by assigning the institutional, financial, economic and organizational components has been substantiated. The scientific and practical substantiation of priority directions of improvement the state and civil society interaction mechanisms was conducted


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