Mudrolyubova N. The welfare state: ways of its formation and mechanisms of implementation on the example of the Kingdom of Sweden

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 12.00.01 - Теорія та історія держави і права; історія політичних і правових вчень


Specialized Academic Board

К 64.051.31

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The object is a social state in the legal and historical-comparative aspect. The subject - ways of formation and mechanisms of realization of the welfare state on the example of the Kingdom of Sweden. For the first time: an ontology of social thought from antiquity and ancient times to the present and its practical manifestations at different stages of the evolution of society are described in detail; the right to a decent human existence is defined as a fundamental feature of the welfare state; definition of the mechanisms of realization of the welfare state is given; given author's classification of social state models from the point of view of law and taking into account differences of legal mechanisms of realization of social state; improved: the essence and content of the notion of "social state"; the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the welfare state; legal content of the notion of decent human existence; systematization of classifications of social state models; theory and history of state and law regarding the place of Scandinavian law among legal families; the theory of the evolutionary development of the concept of the welfare state; the theory of the formation of the social state and the Swedish model, their mechanisms of implementation. The following developments have been developed: the theory and history of the state and law regarding the legal development of Ukraine as a social state; history of social and legal relations of the Kingdom of Sweden; adaptation and launching of the analysis of foreign editions, which were not used earlier in domestic science.


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