Stabias S. Market of corporate securities: regulation and priorities of development

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.08 - Гроші, фінанси і кредит


Specialized Academic Board

Д 79.051.04

Chernihiv National University of Technology


The thesis contains in-depth theoretical and methodological bases and reasonable scientific and practical recommendations on the formation of a mechanism for regulating the corporate securities market in Ukraine and ensuring its development conditions. Theoretical aspects of regulation of corporate securities market are justified. The conceptual apparatus of the corporate securities market functioning in the modern conditions of the country development has been improved. Conceptual approaches have been developed to the formation of a mechanism for regulating the corporate securities market, the components of which define principles, tasks, methods and subsystems for ensuring regulation and development of the corporate securities market. Considerable attention is paid to the consideration of elements of the mechanism of regulation of the corporate securities market. Infrastructure support of corporate securities market functioning, in particular, current state of stock exchanges of Ukraine was analyzed. Taking into account the theoretical peculiarities of the development of modern financial markets in the conditions of a dynamic external environment, a conceptual approach to modeling structural and temporal properties in the corporate securities market has been formulated.


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