Pasazhko T. Financial mechanism of households’ savings transformation into investments of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.08 - Гроші, фінанси і кредит


Specialized Academic Board

Д 79.051.04

Chernihiv National University of Technology


The thesis is devoted to the study of the households’ savings, saving behavior of the population and major forms in which households accumulate savings. The key elements of the financial mechanism of households’ savings transformation into investment resources are analyzed. The respective recommendations for the mobilization and investment use of public savings are developed. The author focuses the research on the issue on the concept of household saving investment potential as one of the key sources of internal financial resources of the economy. The author defines the household savings as a system of relations arising with respect to the income of the households and accumulation of a certain part of it in order to save it in various forms of accumulation of funds, property and wealth. The objective necessity and economic purpose of the households savings and its transformation into investment resources of the economy were investigated. The classification of the savings types according to their penetration into economic system and investment processes is defined, distinguishing passive savings, i.e. those that virtually do not take part in economic processes and are stored in cash or in the form of precious metals and other assets; semi-active ones, which mainly include deposit and savings deposits, etc., i.e. they are essentially involved in economic processes, but can only be converted into investments through a network of financial intermediaries; and active savings, which are investments in capital (housing) construction, share capital of enterprises and organizations, and essentially are investments.


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