Bilanych L. State regulation of social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 08.00.03 - Економіка та управління національним господарством


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.889.01

National Academy of Management


The dissertation is devoted to the substantiation of theoretical and methodological foundations of state regulation of social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business. Methodological aspects of scientific researches of social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business are defined. The theoretical foundations of social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business are characterized. The legal basis for the development of social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business and the phenomenon of modern social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business are investigated. The methods of state regulation and support of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are determined and the analysis of the development of social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business is made, the place of social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business in the market economy is determined accordingly. The basic models and directions of development of social entrepreneurship and international experience of its state regulation are characterized, on the basis of which the concept of improvement of state regulation of social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business is developed, as well as recommendations for forming the state policy of support of social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business. The paper also proposes a scientific approach to assessing the effectiveness of improving state regulation of social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business.


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