Nazarova V. Tombstones of the XIX - early XX centuries of Jewish cemetery of the city of Glukhov as objects of cultural heritage

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 26.00.05 - Музеєзнавство. Пам'яткознавство


Specialized Academic Board

К 26.252.01

Monumentology centre of the National academy of science of Ukraine and Ukrainian society of protection of the historical and cultural monuments


The theoretical generalization is carried out in the dissertation and a new solution is found for the scientific problem that is important for the further development of conservation activities, which consists in the comprehensive study of tombstones of the XIX - early XX centuries carried out in Ukrainian monumentology for the first time. Glukhov Jewish cemetery as objects of cultural heritage, and the development of proposals for their conservation, protection and museumification. In accordance with Ukrainian legislation and modern monuments of science and research, the analysis and classification of the preserved cultural heritage sites of the Jewish cemetery in Glukhov have been carried out in terms of their species and typological affiliation, as well as for such a typological principle as chronology. Based on the classification 438 tombstones are historical monuments, 44 gravestones - monuments of monumental art. Tombstones are also considered as an integral part of such a typological group of historical monuments as burials. The objects of cultural heritage of the Glukhov Jewish cemetery, which belong to historical monuments - the burial places of famous figures - members of the Glukhov Jewish community, were singled out as a separate typological group. Based on the historical and biographical research, it was found that at least 18 burials have important historical and cultural significance. Here the Jewish writer and publicist L. Zweifel, A. Rusakov, the grandfather of the Soviet painter A. Rusakov, the spiritual rabbis Menachem_Nokhum-Dovid and Israel-Dov-Ber Shumyatsky and others are buried. Of no less interest are the graves of victims of pogroms on February 22–23, 1918 and November 1919. According to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of 2003, epitaphs belong to the monuments of the intangible cultural heritage. The epitaphs of all 438 ancient tombstones are valuable from the point of view of history, literature, philology, genealogy and sociology and are monuments of Jewish epigraphy, which increase the value of tombstones as historical monuments. 44 gravestones of the Glukhov Jewish cemetery are distinguished by their artistic value and have the right to be entered in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine as monuments of monumental art. A proposal has been developed to include the cemetery as a whole or its individual cultural heritage objects in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine and declare it a historical and cultural reserve of local importance. The author's typological classification of tombstones by degree of preservation is carried out. Recommendations were made regarding museumification, conservation, restoration work, improvement of the cemetery, continuation of research and excursion activities, as well as the development of religious tourism.


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