Golovchenko O. Methods of organising self-study work in organic chemistry of the graduates in Pharmacy by distance learning

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.02 - Теорія і методика навчання (з галузей знань)


Specialized Academic Board

К 26.003.10

Bogomolets National Medical University


The dissertation first theoretically substantiates, reveals the developed and experimentally tested the methodology of organisation of the self-study work of the Master’s degree seekers in Pharmacy in organic chemistry through distance learning that was designed relying on the complex scientific analysis of the educational process in medical (pharmaceutical) establishments of higher education (M(Pharm)HEIs). The methodology of organising the self-study work of the Master’s degree seekers in Pharmacy through distance learning in Organic Chemistry was proved feasible. The structural and component composition of the methodology includes didactically substantiated goals, structured content (content that integrates full-text learning materials and e-learning course in Organic Chemistry); optimal forms of organisation of self-educational activity of students by the technology of blended learning and the nature of the subject-subject relationship; methods of self-education based on a combination of traditional and remote technologies; distance learning tools (distance course in Organic Chemistry; educational portal; cloud-based tools (‘academic’ cloud M(Pharm)HEIs, social networks; traditional and computerised systems for checking students’ self-performed assignments in Organic Chemistry (tests; thematic and modular control tests; ‘KROK-1’, etc.). There was developed and found feasible the structural-functional model of a methodology of the organisation of self-study work of seekers of Master’s degree in Pharmacy based on the distance course in Organic chemistry seen as a complex (multicomponent) phenomenon. The model included: 1) the purpose – the organisation of effective self-study work of the students obtaining specialties in Pharmacy as a component of assurance of qualitative professional education in M(Pharm)HEIs; methodological approaches (systemic; competency-based; personality-oriented; project-based; activity-dedicated); principles of teaching (scientific content and methods of teaching; connection of learning with practice; individualisation; accessibility; ensuring openness and flexibility of learning) – methodological and target component of the model; 2) organisational and methodological settings for the organisation of self-study work of the students seeking a degree in Pharmacy based on teaching Organic Chemistry by means of distance learning (integration of conventional and distance learning technologies); implementation of teaching principles, prioritising of processes of self-knowledge, self-organisation, self-realisation and self- development; the focus of the process on the subjective position of the student as a customer of quality educational services and an active participant in the educational process (stakeholder), the bearer of individual experience; involving students in activities that simulate various aspects of their future professional work, including self- education; development and implementation of educational and methodological support that meets the objectives of forming professionally significant competencies of future specialists in the field of pharmacy, skills to apply distance technologies in the process of training and professional activity), the set of which is the organisational and methodological component of the model; 3) the method of organising the self-study work of the Masters of Pharmacy based on teaching Organic Chemistry by means of distance learning, which presents the procedural and semantic component of the model with the following component composition: the goals of the self-study work; content (content) of it; forms of organisation of self-study work based on the technology of blended learning and the nature of subject-subject interaction; methods of organisation of the self-study work; means of organisation of the self-study work; 4) the structure of subject competence of future masters of pharmacy as an indicator of the effectiveness of the method of organization of self-study in Organic Chemistry by means of distance learning, as well as criteria, indicators and levels of its formation – the performance- evaluation component of the model. The effectiveness of the developed methodology of organising the self-study work of Masters of Pharmacy based on teaching Organic Chemistry employing distance learning was tested and proved experimentally. The main results of the research are disseminated and introduced into the educational process of professional training of students obtaining a qualification in Pharmacy at M(Pharm) HEIs of Ukraine.


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