Odnostalko O. The personality’s resilience resources in the conditions of difficult and atypical life situations

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 19.00.01 - Загальна психологія, історія психології


Specialized Academic Board

К 32.051.05

Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University


The dissertation research presents the personality’s resilience resources in the conditions of difficult and atypical life situations. The theoretical analysis of features of difficult and atypical situations of life and resources as means of adaptation to them was carried out. The definition, structure, and classification of life situations were given. Atypical situations are considered as an extreme one, when a person does not have a proven ready-to-use mode of action based on their own experience, this fact actualizes various, irrational or inadequate responses as well. The resources and in particular the resilience resources, which form the most reliable protection against adverse life circumstances, were examined. Adaptation and approbation of psychodiagnostic methods aimed at studying resilience as a resource of sustainability has been carried out. The adapted resilience scale was shown to be a valid and reliable tool, which is recommended to be used in the form of the concise version (9 questions provided) as a more consistent option. The resources of resilience depending on the perception of an atypical situation, age and sex were studied and compared, and the peculiarities of the manifestations of resilience resources in the post-perception of an atypical situation were traced. It is 20 demonstrated that regardless of the representation of the situation the majority of the adult examinees possess optimism at the middle and high level, resilience at the middle level, the existing global goal, focus on potential solutions, determination and activity; social support resources (family, loved ones, education (development)).


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