Litvinenko O. Ontogenesis and Dysontogenesis of Adolescents’ Personal Formation

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


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  • 19.00.01 - Загальна психологія, історія психології


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.453.01

GS Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation is devoted to the analysis of general principles of adolescents’ personality formation in the context of ontogenesis and dysontogenesis. The work contains theoretical substantiation, methodical bases and the results of empirical research of this problem. The dissertation presents conceptual generalizations that are reflected in the model of ontogenesis and dysontogenesis of adolescents’ personal formation. Within proposed model the structure of personality is considered as one that is realized in two subsystems: universal and genetically determined. The system of internal structural connections between cognitive, behavioural and affective spheres is universal, as well as the influence of the characteristics of these spheres on the formation of general personal tendencies. In turn, the content and of personal sphere orientation differs significantly in adolescents with hearing and visual impairments and their peers who do not have such impairments. Accordingly, this personality subsystem is genetically determined. Understanding the structural and functional organization of the elements of personal subsystems allows us to explain the specifics of ontogenesis and dysontogenesis of adolescents’ personal formation. The empirical research allowed to output genetically determined differences in adolescents’ personal sphere. The implementation of these differences includes two trends. The first trend is that certain personal manifestations of adolescents with hearing impairment who live in conditions of verbal deprivation are quite specific. At the same time, visual deprivation does not have such a systemic influence on the formation of personality trends. That determines the compliance of the characteristics of adolescents with visual impairments and the characteristics of their peers from normative sample. That allows to make a conclusion that the significant factor in the formation of differences is not the genetic context of formation, but the specifics of adolescents’ disorder. On the other hand, the second trend suggests the existence of some personal characteristics that are specific for adolescents with visual and hearing impairments. This suggests the presence of a dysontogenetic structure of personality manifestations that is characterized not only by a temporal delay of formation, but also by the uniqueness of the systemic organization and manifestation of personal features. Thus, it is proved that the genetic context of formation determines the specificity of personal manifestations, but is not a factor that strictly limits them. Accordingly, it is possible and appropriate to work with adolescents, whose formation takes place in the context of dysontogenesis, taking into consideration the ontogenetic principles. Besides, such work should be aimed at activating compensatory mechanisms of adolescents’ psychics. There have been created psychological prevention and correction programs for adolescents whose formation occurs both in the context of ontogenesis and in the context of dysontogenesis. The paper presents indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of these programs, indicating the feasibility of their further practical realisation.


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