Petrukhnov O. Physical rehabilitation of students with chronic bronchitis during convalescence.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 24.00.03 - Фізична реабілітація


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.829.02

National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


According to WHO data, diseases of the respiratory system take the fourth place in the structure of morbidity throughout the world, namely, chronic bronchitis takes the leading place. Statistics in Ukraine over the past five years indicate a steady increase in the number of students involved in physical education in special medical groups. The progressive course of chronic bronchitis in young people over the years leads to pulmonary and heart failure, disability and reduced quality of life for patients, therefore, the rational treatment and prevention of this disease, especially at a young age, has important socio-economic importance. Recently, however, the number of scientific studies devoted to chronic bronchitis has significantly decreased. The possibilities of physical rehabilitation of students with chronic bronchitis should be considered depending on the form of the disease and the degree of impaired pulmonary ventilation. In sparingly-training motor mode, the basic component of the physical rehabilitation program was: morning hygienic gymnastics, sound gymnastics, shallow breathing with elements of muscle relaxation and auto-training according to the method of O.V. Peshkova, nebulizer therapy, massage, hardening elements. The variable component of the program included walking and running with a combination of permutations of hand movements.


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