Stadnytska O. Organizational and economic principles for efficient use of degraded and unpro-ductive agricultural land

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.06 - Економіка природокористування та охорони навколишнього середовища


Specialized Academic Board

Д 36.814.02

Lviv National Agrarian University


The dissertation defines the essence of the concepts "degraded agricultural land", "unproductive agricultural lands". The conceptual bases of the system of ensuring efficient use of degraded and unproductive agricultural lands are determined, which allow to ensure coherence between sustainable land management at all hierarchical levels and goals of sustainable development and environmental policy of the state through forecasting and planning of socio-economic development. The paper describes an algorithm for the implementation of organizational and economic support for the efficient use of degraded and unproductive agricultural land, based on a combination of organizational, administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods of regulation, which differ in the nature of the impact on the motives of land users. The dissertation generalizes methodical bases of estimation for efficient use of degraded and unproductive agricultural, that based on the concept of definition of the general economic value of natural goods and will allow to consider various kinds of benefits connected with preservation (improvement) of the land resources and services. An agroecological assessment of the condition of degraded and unproductive agricultural lands within the Lviv region was carried out in the paper. The factors of anthropogenic impact on the intensity of erosion processes, which are one of the most common degradation processes in the study area, are analyzed. The existing mechanism of use and protection of degraded and unproductive agricultural lands in Ukraine is studied. The experience of foreign countries in relation to the use and protection of agricultural lands is studied, on the basis of which guidelines for improving the organizational and economic support of efficient use of degraded and unproductive agricultural lands in Ukraine are determined. The thesis offers the approach to the choice of the optimal direction for use of degraded and unproductive agricultural lands on the basis of sustainable development taking into account regional socio-economic and ecological features, using the method of analysis of hierarchies. The expediency of landscape planning is substantiated, it includes: information on degraded and unproductive agricultural lands is collected, generalized and analyzed; homogeneous landscape-ecological massifs with signs of degradation and low productivity of the soil cover are distinguished; types (subtypes) of land use are substantiated, which determine the main direction in land use and transformation of other natural resources. The paper describes an assessment of the financial and economic efficiency of alternative activities on degraded and unproductive arable land. It is calculated that the social efficiency of alternatives far exceeds the commercial one. The obtained results allowed to substantiate economic instruments to stimulate landowners and land users to diversify economic activities using degraded and unproductive agricultural lands.


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