Nazarovets M. Digital Tools for Supporting Scientific Communication in Libraries of Higher Education Institutions.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 27.00.03 - Книгознавство, бібліотекознавство, бібліографознавство


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.807.02

Kharkiv State Academy of Culture


The thesis is a comprehensive study of the directions of the implementation of new services of higher education institutions (HEI) libraries to support scientific communication using digital tools. The structural model of the organization of services on use of digital tools of support of scientific communication in HEI libraries is offered. The changes taking place in the environment of scientific communication are analyzed as the main factors influencing the transformation of library services. The emergence of numerous digital tools, the establishment of new and discontinuation of obsolete tools, increasing the availability of data exchange in a constantly updated and increasing amount of information on the Internet contributed to the formation of new areas of library participation in scientific communication. Libraries are developing new services to meet the needs of the research process to help users navigate, analyze and evaluate information in the context of globalization and the rapid development of information and communication technologies. The theoretical researches of Ukrainian librarians on the transformation of library services were analysed. The subject of their research was mainly the functions of libraries to support scientific communication solely in the context of archiving, saving and access to scientific information in new digital formats, and practically did not cover a completely different direction the development of library processes – information support of the use of digital tools for scientific communication, which is actively mastering by the librarians of Ukraine and the world as a whole. The necessity of conducting complex, systematic research, with further development of the structural model of the organization of the services on the basis of the generalization of libraries practical experience, in particular, of HEI, is established. The freely available data from the Innovations in Scholarly Communication survey were worked out, from which respondents from Ukraine were identified to investigate trends in the use of innovative digital tools for scientific communication in 2015-2016 in our country. There are minor differences in the use of digital tools for scientific communication by Ukrainian researchers in comparison with researchers from all over the world. Significant differences were established between the new services of libraries of HEI by the support of scientific communication with the help of digital tools in Ukraine and in the world. The lack of attention of libraries of Ukraine to the stage of work with research data has been revealed, while in the HEI libraries of the world this theme is the leading one. It was also found that Ukrainian libraries did not work on the support of the preparation stage of research using digital instruments. Instead, the topic of the evaluation of the results of scientific research was highlighted unreasonably high. Based on the information obtained from the research, a basic structural model of the organization of services for the use of digital tools for supporting scientific communication in HEIs libraries was built. The model can be taken as a basis in the process of introducing new and improving the quality and efficiency of previously implemented services. As the basic elements of this model it is suggested to consider: the process of scientific communication at all stages of research, for the realization of which various digital instruments are used; researchers - users of libraries that need to meet the information needs with the right tools for communication; and services for the use of digital scientific communication support tools, which libraries offer to users based on their information needs, based on the characteristics of the communication process during the study.


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