Shtykh I. Orientation of personality as a factor in the development of mental states of secondary school students

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 19.00.07 - Педагогічна та вікова психологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.453.02

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation research is devoted to the theoretical substantiation and empirical identification of the correlation of mental states with the orientation of the personality of secondary school students in the dynamics of age development. The influence of teachers 'professional orientation on the course of students' mental states is determined. Based on genetic psychology, a model of subject-subject space of interaction was developed: "teacher orientation-mental states-orientation of students". It is proved that the target settings of teachers are external determinants of mental states and affect the target settings of students. The mental states of school-age children during the entire period of study in primary and secondary school were studied. The equality of manifestations of mental states and target attitudes of schoolchildren is established, in particular: the affective level of target attitudes corresponds to the mental level of states when mental states and target attitudes act as experiences, emotional assessments; cognitive level of mental states and target attitudes, when mental states and one's own target attitudes at the conative level are realized. It is specified that mental states and target attitudes of the personality have similarity of directions: at positive mental states of pupil’s target attitudes are expressed by positive motives, at negative mental states - by negative motives. Thus, it is established that in the conditions of educational process of comprehensive school certain dynamics of mental states and target attitudes of pupils of different age groups is traced. The dynamics of target settings is confirmed, which is characterized by a tendency to increase the components of goal setting of schoolchildren from primary to senior school age. Thus, summarizing the results of the study by comparing the empirical distributions of the manifestations of mental states and target attitudes of students and it was determined that: the distribution of positive mental states of students coincides with the distribution of positive motives in the target settings of students, organization, communication, intelligence, methodological knowledge and skills, knowledge of psychology; the distribution of positive mental states of students does not coincide with the distribution of positive motives in the target attitudes of students and the professional orientation of teachers to motivate personal approval, good relations with the staff and administration; the distribution of negative mental states of students coincides with the distribution of negative motives in the target settings of students and the professional orientation of teachers to motivate personal approval; the distribution of negative mental states of students does not coincide with the distribution of negative motives in the target attitudes of students and the professional orientation of teachers on the organization and subject and the ability to engage in teaching without harm to privacy. In accordance with the obtained results, the main models of optimization of subject-subject interaction in the educational activities of schoolchildren are generalized from the standpoint of genetic-modelling method and genetically oriented psychotherapy.


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