Bondar V. Preparing Future Teachers for Extracurricular Activities in Primary School

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.04 - Теорія і методика професійної освіти


Specialized Academic Board

Д 73.053.02

Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


The dissertation focuses on preparing future teachers for extracurricular activities in primary school. The genesis of the formation of the extracurricular activities content in Ukraine as a whole has been studied. The views of modern scientists on the essence and components of the preparation of future teachers for the extracurricular activities in primary school have been highlighted. The content of the categorical-conceptual apparatus has been analyzed; the essence of the concepts of «extra-lesson» activities, «extra-class activities», «extracurricular activities», «extra-school activities» has been determined. The main components of the extracurricular activities structure, namely: extracurricular activities on primary school subjects and extracurricular educational activities with primary school students, have been distinguished in the work. The author’s interpretation of the concept of “preparation of future teachers’ of primary school for extracurricular activities”, the definitions of «readiness for the extracurricular activities in primary school» have been given. A set of professional and personal competencies including professional and personal ones, as well as crosscutting socio-pedagogical skills, has been defined. The content of professional education program in the Speciality 013 «Primary Education», curricula of this area of training and course programs of certain disciplines have been analysed. The potential of compulsory (normative) and elective subjects for preparing students for extracurricular activities in different areas and for conducting different types and forms of extracurricular educational activities with primary school students has been clarified. A model of preparation of future primary school teachers for extracurricular activities in primary school has been developed and proposed including three components (conceptual-content, procedural-activity and reflexive-effective). The substantiation of pedagogical conditions of increasing the efficiency of the studied process has been defined and implemented. The criteria and corresponding indicators have been found; in addition, the levels of readiness of future teachers for extracurricular activities in primary school have been determined and characterized. During the pedagogical experiment, the efficiency of the author’s model of preparing the future primary school teachers for extracurricular activities in primary school was checked, provided by the implementation of the defined and justified pedagogical conditions. Methodical recommendations for the preparation of students in the context of the studied problem have been developed.


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