Katrenko A. Interest protected by law as a category of civil law of Ukraine and some foreign countries

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 12.00.03 - Цивільне право і цивільний процес; сімейне право; міжнародне приватне право


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.086.03

National University «Odessa Law Academy»


The dissertation is devoted to a comprehensive study of theoretical and practical problems of legally protected interest as a category of civil law of Ukraine and some foreign countries on the basis of systematic generalization of current national civil legislation, legal practice and foreign legislative experience. The dissertation considers the formation and development of legislation on the legally protected interest as a category of civil law of Ukraine and some foreign countries. Analysis of interest as an element of the content of subjective law and legally protected interest (intangible and moral interest) was carried out. The definition and features of the interest protected by law as a category of civil law of Ukraine and some foreign countries were defined. Forms and means of protection of legally protected interest as a category of civil law of Ukraine and some foreign countries were studied. Jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional forms and means of protection of the legally protected interest under the civil law of Ukraine and some foreign countries were investigated. Scientifically substantiated proposals for improvement of legal regulation of the legally protected interest as a category of civil law of Ukraine and some foreign countries have been formulated.


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