Huta S. Public administration in crisis situations caused by the military and political factors

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 25.00.01 - Теорія і історія державного управління


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.142.04

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


In this dissertation, in terms of a systemic approach, basic theoretical foundations of public administration in crisis situations caused by the military and political factors are substantiated and ways of making the public administration more effective are determined. The strong causal relationship between crisis situations caused by the military and political factors and national security, that is a characteristic of the state of protection of man, society and the state was proved. Contemporary scientific literature related to problems of public administration in crisis situations caused by the military and political factors was consolidated and analyzed, it was established that сonsideration and examination of such topics as detection of patterns and peculiarities, identification of characteristic features and classification of factors, monitoring, methodologies, technologies and mechanisms for resolving crisis situations caused by the military and political factors remains unaddressed. However, practice requires not only their scientific understanding in the form of separate concepts, but also development of grounded scientific theory of public administration, settlement, solution or resolve the crises situations caused by military and political factors. Conceptual categorical apparatus was researched, these studies revealed differences between the concepts of «crisis», «crisis situation», «crisis management», «risk management», «public administration in crisis situations, caused by military and political factors». On the basis of the synthesis of content of analyzed concepts, the essence of the definition of «public administration in crisis situations caused by military and political factors» is proposed. In a study of genesis of public management activity in crisis situations, caused by military and political factors, it was clarified periodization of its establishment and development, which is based on the complex criteria of estimation of change of factors of emergence of crisis situations (crises) and as a result of this change of basic functions and tasks of management subjects in their identification, warning and overcoming. It was analyzed the organizational and legal principles of the work of the public management subjects in crisis situations caused by military and political factors at the present stage in Ukraine. It is established that for efficient public administration in crisis situations, it is important to have an optimally balanced distribution of powers between its subjects, their accountability and responsibility, the definition of a single governing body, as well as the unification of legislation in this area of legal relations, in particular by adapting Ukrainian legislation to modern realities, international and European standards. The proposed specialization of normative legal bases allows to determine the directions of improvement of organizational and functional system of public administration entities in the process of prevention and response crisis situations, caused by military and political factors. Signs and factors of emergence of crises caused by military-political factors, which allows to identify the crisis, to prepare qualitative, variational, multilevel models of relevant state-administrative decisions in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation were analyzed and consolidated, existing classification features of crisis situations, caused by military and political factors in foreign, domestic, military, and national security were completed. It is proven that the main focus of the public administration subjects should be aimed at determining the probability of occurrence crisis situations. The crisis situations in Ukraine, identified on the basis of the criterion of accumulation of some potential to counteract the realization of national interests, is recognized as having acquired nationwide scale and therefore poses a real danger for the country. It was established that the main purpose of crisis monitoring caused by military and political factors is a complete assessment of the military and political situation and relations. Practical recommendations for determining the stages of monitoring relevant crisis situations are offered. The priority areas for improving the existing approaches to assessing the effectiveness of public administration in the context of responding to crises caused by military and political factors were proved. The criteria for assessing the effectiveness at the hazard identification stages, monitoring the threats that lead to crisis situations, as well as criteria for assessing the rational distribution of resources available to society regarding the response to threats are defined.


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