The dissertation establishes the theoretical and methodological study foundations of the political and communication component in the system of public administration of Ukraine and specific historical aspects of communicative communication in society, between government and citizens. The process of formation of the political communication phenomenon in the conditions of democracy and ideological and cultural progress is determined, the theoretical roots and evolution of this issue in the political science of Ukraine are clarified.
It is shown how the communicative processes at the level of power, at the level of power - society and at the level of society differ significantly both in content and in methods of transmission. The process of origin and development of the very concept of "political communication" has been studied, to the definiteness of which a single position of scientists has not yet been developed. The approaches of different authors to this problem are given and the comparative analysis concerning definition of concepts "communication", "politics", "political communication" is carried out. The problematics of application and functioning of political communications means and tools in modernity conditions, challenges, threats and the present uncertainties for the purpose of their use as mechanisms of the government administration which can be optimally adapted to transformational society tendencies are considered. It is shown that political communication in the conditions of aggravation of existing and emergence of new contradictions and challenges of modern life acquires various forms of embodiment. The mechanisms of information and mass media in the processes of relations democratization and institutional subjects of politics and public administration activities are considered and analyzed. The levers of influence through the Internet, social networks and mobile communications, which use history, social and mental memory through media transformations, have been clarified, thus, the media themselves act only as means of updating, supplementing, deforming or other similar changes.
It is proposed to determine the effectiveness of political communication through the analysis of the use of public relations, image technology, political advertisement and other new means of political marketing. Approaches to political communications in Ukraine at the micro level, meso level, macro level and their symbiosis are developed on the basis of complex interaction between media and political systems, various dependencies and adaptation processes. The main indicators and criteria that reflect the quality of public administration of political communications are established.
Key words: challenges, power, e-democracy, public communication, government administration, threats, communications, media, management mechanism, politics, political communications, society, contradictions.