Kravets T. Gender Stereotypes in the Discourse of Today's Mass Media in Ukraine.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 10.02.01 - Українська мова


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.173.01

Institute for Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


This dissertation is devoted to the study of the linguistic explication of modern gender stereotypes based on material from Ukrainian mass media. The linguistic characteristics of men’s and women’s behavior in internal and external social space are analyzed. Family space is the most important area where the nuclear and semi-peripheral features of the concepts "man" and "woman" are realized. The analysis of family behavior involves the identification of both the actual family roles of a man and a woman, and typical gender frames that precede the consummation of a marriage. Texts in the media indicate that modern ideas about the motives for marriage have changed significantly. Motivation has gone from the sphere of necessity or established rationing to an individual decision-making process, which is realized in the modality of desire, as well as in a variety of value judgments. The trait that distinguishes life today from life in the past is that in the media we record statements about the refusal to enter into marriage, which was rare in the past.


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