Burlaka O. The formation of geographical concepts in students with hearing impairment grades 6-9

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.03 - Корекційна педагогіка


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.450.01

Mykolа Yarmachenkо Institute of Special Education and Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation is a theoretical and experimental study of the problem of formation of geographical concepts in students with hearing impairments of 6-9 grades. The thesis is devoted to the study of the level of the formation of geographical concepts in students with hearing impairments. The innovative orientation in the formation of new concepts in special educational institutions for pupils with hearing impairments is characterized. Studies of teaching aids and stages of the formation of new geographical concepts. Developed and justified the sequence of actions in the formation of geographical concepts with the help of teaching aids, in particular a bilingual means of teaching (verbalgestural), as one of the main during the transfer of educational information from the teacher to students. Specific features of the formation of geographical concepts in students with hearing impairment about objects and phenomena of nature that meet the requirements of the geography program are determined. Keywords: bilingual means of training, concepts, faculty, pupils with hearing impairments, quality of knowledge, stages of concept formation, teaching aids.


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