Kryva N. Peculiarities of manifestation of trust of older preschool child to the social environment

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 19.00.07 - Педагогічна та вікова психологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.453.02

GS Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation is devoted to the research of features of display of trust of older preschool child to a social environment. Based on the results of the theoretical and methodological analysis of trust, the phenomenon of "trust of older preschool child" is described in the dissertation as a positive attitude towards parents, teachers, peers, acquaintances and strangers, which is based on faith in their honesty and sincerity, is manifested in the willingness to engage in productive interaction, share meaningful information about yourself. The concept of "information environment of a preschool child" is defined as the main source of information for the child, which has a direct impact on his mental activity, the formation of social behaviour. The program of empirical research of features of displays of trust of older preschool child to a social environment, is stated and substantiated, the psychological features of the studied phenomenon are determined. On the basis of criteria, indicators of the studied phenomenon and taking into account empirical data, groups of children with low, sufficient, optimal and excessive level of trust to the social environment are selected and described. It is established that the norm is the optimal level of trust, which consists in a favourable ratio of trust and distrust, the ability to show them depending on the situation and anticipate danger. As a result of the survey of parents and educators, the influence of the information environment on the trust of the older preschool child (negative, neutral, positive) is characterized. In accordance with the objectives of the study it is identified psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of trust of older preschool children to the social environment, is described the development program "In the circle of trust" and is presented the results of the analysis of its effectiveness.


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