Kashulska T. Marketing orientation of the sales activity of enterprises producing agro-food products

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 65.356.02

Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation is devoted to the substantiation of the theoretical, methodical and applied provisions of the marketing orientation of the sales management of enterprises producing agro-food products. The work summarizes the theoretical foundations and expands the conceptual apparatus related to the marketing orientation of sales activities. An analysis of the prerequisites for the implementation of mechanisms of marketing orientation of sales in enterprises of the agro-food sector was carried out. The need to determine the levels of marketing activity of enterprises producing agro-food products and to establish parameters for their evaluation is substantiated. Factors affecting the marketing orientation of enterprises are systematized, and quantitative and qualitative aspects of their influence are analyzed. The structure and levels of organization of marketing management of sales activity of enterprises producing agro-food products are defined. A method of hierarchical analysis of the marketing activity of enterprises has been developed. An assessment of the effectiveness of marketing management scenarios in the sales activity of agrofood production enterprises was carried out, and appropriate organizational and methodological approaches and techniques for their implementation were developed. The dissertation substantiates the conceptual principles of creating a system for managing the sales activities of an agricultural enterprise based on a marketing approach, which provide for the close interaction of the specified system with subsystems of planning and implementation of product, communication and price policy, basing the sales management system on the use of functional and service subsystems, which contributes to organic development enterprises producing agro-food products and rationalizing the movement of agro-food products through sales channels. A methodological approach has been developed and tested, which involves the use of possible methods of observation and determination of indicators of quantitative and qualitative assessments, on the basis of which further planning and forecasting of the level of marketing orientation of the sales activity of agricultural enterprises is carried out. The identification of the level of organization of management of the sales activity of the agro-food production enterprise was carried out based on establishing the dependence between the intensity of marketing activities and the behavior of consumers in a specific segment of the agro-food market, as well as the reaction of the target audience. The principles of organizing a competition-oriented multi-level model of marketing management of sales activities of agro-food production enterprises have been developed, which are aimed at determining the appropriate method of hierarchical organization of management functions depending on the level of their relevance, and are also based on the formation of flexible marketing strategies that allow adapting the level of marketing orientation of sales activities to changes in demand in the target market. In the first chapter "Theoretical principles of management of sales activities of agro-food enterprises based on marketing orientation" the theoretical provisions are analyzed and summarized and the conceptual and categorical apparatus of management of sales activities and its marketing orientation is developed, as well as justified methodological principles of evaluating the effectiveness of marketing management of the development of sales activities of enterprises- producers of agro-food products. In the second chapter "Structural and dynamic trends of marketing and sales activities of enterprises producing agro-food products" the materials and results of a detailed analysis of the state of marketing and sales activities of enterprises producing agrofood products, the efficiency of using its economic potential and the degree of marketing orientation of the sales activities of enterprises in the agro-food sector are presented. In the third chapter "Development of the marketing orientation of the management of sales activities of agri-food enterprises" the sections and levels of the organization of marketing management of the sales activities of enterprises are substantiated, a methodical approach of hierarchical analysis of the marketing activity of agri-food enterprises is developed, and the effectiveness of the practical use of the developed scenarios of the organization of marketing management of the sales activities of an agricultural enterprise is determined. as well as applied implementation of methodological approaches developed on the basis of theoretical research. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the development of recommendations for the construction of a marketing system for sales management of enterprises producing agro-food products. Key words: management, sales, development, marketing, agrarian enterprises, efficiency.

Research papers

Білошапка Ю. М., Кашульська Т. С. Концепція маркетингу на засадах сталого розвитку аграрних підприємств в умовах глобалізації. Український журнал прикладної економіки та техніки. 2022. Том 8. № 3, С. 324-329. https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-3-47

Кашульська Т. С., Білошапка Ю. М. Маркетинговий інструментарій підприємств аграрного сектора України. Development Service Industry Management, (4), 207–211. https://doi.org/10.31891/dsim-2023-4(31)

Кашульська Т. С. Маркетинг збутової діяльності підприємств агробізнесу. Бізнес Інформ. 2024. № 9. С. 85-92 https://doi.org/10.32983/2222- 4459-2024-9-85-92

Кашульська Т. С. Маркетингова орієнтація збутової діяльності підприємств агробізнесу. Вісник Хмельницького національного університету. Серія: Економічні науки. 2024. Том 334. № 5. С. 424-430. https://doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2024-330-77


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