Ostakhov O. Management of personnel potential of agrarian enterprises in unstable conditions of the external environment

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 65. 356. 02

Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation substantiates theoretical-methodical and applied principles, as well as develops practical recommendations for solving the complex scientific task of managing the development of personnel potential of agrarian enterprises in unstable conditions of the external environment, including in the process of deepening digital transformation. The economic essence of the processes of functioning and development of agricultural enterprises in modern conditions has been identified. The methodical principles of personnel management and personnel potential of agrarian enterprises in modern conditions, taking into account the deepening of digitalization processes, are substantiated. Strategic orientations for the development of personnel potential of agrarian enterprises in conditions of wide application of digital technologies have been identified. The current state and main characteristics of the process of personnel development of agrarian enterprises are characterized. The priorities of generation and implementation of strategies for the development of personnel of agricultural enterprises are substantiated. The principles of harmonizing the personnel management strategy and the general development strategy in relation to agrarian enterprises have been determined. Features of increasing the efficiency of the use of personnel of agricultural enterprises have been identified. The methodological principles of development and application of strategies for the development of personnel potential of agrarian enterprises with the use of digital technologies have been determined. The directions and ways of changes in the organizational structures of management of agrarian enterprises in the conditions of deepening digital transformation are outlined. The work substantiates the conceptual principles of modeling a complex personnel management system and the development of personnel potential of an agrarian enterprise with the integration of digital technologies, which provide for the full implementation of a competency-based approach to personnel management, reducing the time for decision-making and increasing their quality and validity in matters of personnel selection and placement, and as well as system management of changes in the organization of the main activity of the enterprise. The understanding of the interrelationship of the elements and components of the resource, production and organizational structure of the agricultural enterprise has been improved through the formalization of the assessment of compliance with the characteristics of emergency, additivity and adaptability of management as a system with the priority role of personnel in strengthening the growth potential of the enterprise and ensuring its stable economic development. Methodical approaches to assessing the economic effectiveness of modeling the information flows of the CRM system at agricultural enterprises have been developed and tested, based on indicators of the complexity of information processing and the quality of relevant management decisions. The theoretical and methodological foundations of ensuring the consistency of the personnel management strategy with the general strategy of the enterprise with the determination of the priority of the latter, to which all other functional strategies are subordinated in order to achieve unified development goals, have been defined. The identification of priority areas of strategic planning for the development of personnel of an agrarian enterprise has been developed, which involve the application of a competency-based approach to the formation of the composition and structure of personnel, aimed at ensuring sustainable economic development in the conditions of active implementation of digital technologies. Detailed personnel management strategies of agricultural enterprises using digital systems of rapid information exchange, which are based on economic and mathematical methods to support management decisions. Organizational and methodological approaches to the introduction of foreign experience in personnel management of agrarian enterprises using modern information technologies, which take into account the specifics of agrarian business in the country to increase the competitiveness and economic efficiency of the main activity of agrarian enterprises, are substantiated. The influence of the implementation of digital technologies in the management of the production and commercial activities of an agrarian enterprise on the change in structural, qualification and organizational requirements for personnel has been identified, in particular through the formalization of the processes of selection and selection of managerial personnel and performers. Key-words: personnel, personnel potential, organization, development, competence, personnel policy.

Research papers

Ларіна Т. Ф., Коваленко Д. О., Остахов О. С. Організаційноекономічні аспекти розвитку кадрового потенціалу в процесі впровадження принципів циркулярної економіки на аграрних підприємствах. Бізнес Інформ. 2024. № 9. C. 557-557. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2024- 9-557-557

Остахов О. С. Управління кадровим потенціалом аграрних підприємств як спосіб адаптації до кризових умов. Енергозбереження, енергетика, енергоаудит. 2024. № 9(199) С. 6-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20998/2313-8890.2024.09.01

Остахов О. С. Соціально-психологічні аспекти розвитку кадрового потенціалу аграрних підприємств. Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University. Economic Sciences, 2024. № 334(5). С. 579-583. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2024-334-89

Остахов О., Ларіна Т., Галицький О. Теоретико-практичні аспекти управління кадровим потенціалом аграрного підприємства у сучасних умовах. Modeling the development of the economic systems. 2024. № 3. С. 339- 345. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31891/mdes/2024-13-47


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