Vajserman O. Dependence of viability and life span on the early ontogenesis circumstances (population and experimental studies)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.03.03 - Нормальна фізіологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.551.01


Object of research: the demographic parameters of the inhabitants of Kiev, which have died in 1990-2000, laboratory populations of D. melanogaster. The purpose of research: influence of early development conditions on adult viability and life span. Methods: molecular, morphological, statistical. Theoretical and practical results, novelty of the investigation: It is shown, that mortality and life span of the people appreciably depend on the seasonal factors connected to month of their birth. The periodic changes of viability of the people are revealed during an individual annual cycle. It is shown, that the deviation of developmental conditions (temperature, density larval population etc.) from an ecological optimum can influence viability and imaginal life span in D. melanogaster. It is shown, that the irradiation of the flies at early stages of development in dozes, which result to longevity hormesis, results in changes at molecular and ultrastructural levels. The method of definition of biologicalage in D melanogaster is developed. Area of application: experimental gerontology.


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