Object - pregnant women with autoimmune thyroid diseases and incompetent pregnancy in the anamnesis; purpose - to study features of pregnancies current at autoimmune thyroid pathology in view of a condition of the immune status, the infectious factor, changes in system of a hemostasis and structure of cytokine; to develop scientifically proved approaches to early diagnostics and duly correction of the revealed infringements; methods - clinically, laboratory, biochemical, radioimmunological, haemosiological, imuunological, (switching immunofermentical and immunomorphological), ultrasonic and statistical; novelty - in work for the first time at modern scientifically methodical level the new data, on features of pregnancies current are received at autoimmune thyroid diseases, features of interrelation hypophysal-thyroid-gonade mutual relations at the surveyed pregnant women. On the basis of results of the carried out research some features of a condition of hemostasis system, of the immune status, the role of antiphospholipid syndrome and autosensibilization to human chorionic gonadothropine, at women incompetent pregnancy on a background of development of autoimmune thyroid diseases are revealed. For the first time the pathogenetic role of changies of cytokine spectrum in development of incompetent pregnancy on a background of autoimmune diseases is proved. For the first time the immunomorphological characteristic of placenta from women with a autoimmune thyroid pathology is carried out. The algorithm diagnostics of incompetent pregnancy and complex treatment actions directed on prolongation of pregnancy from early terms at pregnant women with thyroid pathology and decreaseof perinatal desease and death rate are developed; results - the new data concerning features of pregnancies current at autoimmune thyroid pathology.Diagnostic value of definition of a citokine level of blood in forecasting and an outcome of pregnancy at women with autoimmune thyroid pathology is proved. Received clinical and laboratory data at women with incompetent pregnancy on a background of development of autoimmune pathology allow to allocate among them group of risk of incompetent pregnancy, since I trimes-ter. On the basis of the received results the effective method of correction of the immune status, structure of cytokines and system of hemostasis of pregnant women with autoimmune thyroid pathology is developed and introduced into practice; introduction - results of researches were introduced into work of maternity hospitals №1, №2, №6, №7 of Kharkov, the regional center of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductology and a city maternity hospital №1 of Sumy, a city maternity hospital №1 of Poltava, a city maternity hospital of Kremenchug, are used in educational process of faculties of obstetrics and gynecology № 1, № 2, perynatology and gynecology of the Kharkov medical academy of postgraduate educations, in educational process of the Kharkov state medical university, Ukrainian medical stomatologic academy (Poltava), medical department of Sumy state university; sphere of application - medicine, obstetrics and gynecology.