Vesnina L. Physiological regulation of peripheral blood lymphocytes membrane functional state by kidney peptide complex.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.03.03 - Нормальна фізіологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.551.01


Dissertation is dedicated to theoretical uniting and new decision of scientific problem - the regulative mechanisms determining peripheral blood lymphocytes plasmatic membrane functional state. Such regulation is performed by physiologically-active substances producing by kidneys and realizing their influence under physiological conditions, under endogenous immunomodulators action conditions, at sygnal transduction main ways separate links activity modulation as well as metabolic processes inhibiting. The investigation results testify to peripheral blood lymphocytes functional state regulation by peptide complex received from non-lymphoid tissues - kidney cortex substance. Such regulation is perfomed due to lymphocytes surface membrane receptors character and level changing. It was established that phosphorylation processes on thyrosine residues are involved into kidney peptide complex sygnal transduction in the cells. These processes take place on initial and later biologic action realization stages.Low-affinity specific receptors to peptide kidney complex were predicted on peripheral blood lymphocytes membrane surface. Kidney and thymus peptide complexes had similar mechanisms for the realization of its biological activitys targeted on lymphocytes from peripheral blood.


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