The dissertation deals with the problem of the behavior symbolic regulation of a personality. Through the prism of psychological, semiotic and philosophical views, an extensive theoretical and empirical study of the symbol as a behavioral regulator of a personality was carried out. It was established, that the symbol, by showing the personality a polysemic prospect of objects and phenomena, affects the permeability of thinking and is an indirect form of the reflection of the reality. It was determined that the symbol as a regulator of the personality behavior is formed on the basis of sign systems. The symbolic interaction between people takes place in a sensual-intuitive form - by means of exchanging signs between the personalities who are interacting. In this case, the sensual representation of the symbol can be expressed by any unit of knowledge and experience of the personality: an image, an action, an act, a movement, a gesture, a word. The system of psychomotor symbols, which are regulating the behavior of the person, was presented. It is based on the key elements of reflection and perception of the behavior: prognostic-regulatory, acoustic, proxemic, sensory-perceptual sphere "I" and olfactory. It was found out that the main pecularity of the behavior symbolic regulation is the action of a person, that is a characteristic feature of the prognostic and regulatory system of the psychomotor behavior of a personality. The symbolic and speech models, which provide the process of encoding, transmission and decoding of verbal and psychomotor messages, were revealed. The differences between symbols of verbal and psychomotor speech were identified, and different systems of encoding and decoding of messages were developed. The models of the transformation of code speech messages into the regulator of another person's actions were characterized. The results of the empirical study of gesture as a means of expressing, transmitting and regulating semantic personality settings were thoroughly reflected. It was proved that the gesture is not only means of transmitting messages, but also an instrument of thinking. Among all the gesture groups, gestures-symbols are the most complex and diverse regulators in the process of decoding, the complexity of decoding of which is associated with their autonomy, usage outside of the verbal speech, codification in speech and cultural sense, and the significance of the verbal translation. The gesture-symbolic abilities of a hand in the structure of the psychic regulation of the behavior of a person were defined and empirically investigated. It has also been proved that the sign-symbolic language in human professional activities optimizes the process of transmission, perception and understanding of the information, as it is a more expressive and effective transmitter than a word. It was established that in different social communities pose, as a gestural conventional symbol, has different regulatory abilities. The main concepts and meanings, for coding and regulation of which the pose symbols suit perfectly, were described. Decomposition of psychomotor symbolic poses by the representatives of different cultures was revealed. The role of mimic gestures in the process of the behavior symbolic regulation of a personality was proved. It was found out that the correct decoding of messages transmitted in the form of sensual and intuitive symbols, depends on a large extent the social intelligence development of the personality. As one of the behavior important regulators of a personality, ambivalent gestures, the characteristic code of which is the presence of two or more opposite values in one kineme, were outlined. It was proved that, while decoding of ambivalent symbolic messages, the person primarily entrusts the psychomotor signals of the behavioral regulation, considering them to be more informative in comparison with speaking. A psychodiagnostic set of techniques aimed at establishing the effect of ambivalent gestures on the process of encoding/decoding messages in the human-to-human interaction chain was tested. The features of behavioral regulation of the people's different age groups symbolic-proxemic space were identified. It was shown that the ignorance of the behavioral regulation symbolic laws of in different symbolic zones causes misunderstanding and generates false notions about the behavior of another person. The behavior of the person who acts in the stochastic conditions of symbolic danger was described. A close connection between the symbol and the value-orientation sphere of the personality was established. The regulatory abilities of the symbol in the process of diagnosing the value-orientation sphere of a person were revealed. It was investigated, how a person by means of a symbol opens for himself another "I", different from his own, in order to express his subjectivity. The process of the symbolic regulation of the personality behavior in the relationship "His-Stranger-Other" was characterized. It was found out that the behavior of the personality is initially formed in "Other", and then returns to "His" in action, speech and influences the behavior of "Other" itself. Symbol, as a multi-valued integrity of speaking, by means of activating the mental sphere, eliminates the differences between the reflection of actions and the action itself, promotes the development of personality, transforming its potential capabilities into a practical action.