Dissertation work is devoted to depression of frequency of obstetric and perinatal pathology at women with an undifferentiated dysplasia of connecting tissue on the basis of improvement and introduction of algorithm of diagnostic treatment-and-prophylactic actions. New links of pathogenesis of disturbances of functional condition of fetoplacental complex at women with an undifferentiated dysplasia of connecting tissue which consist in disturbance of cardiac rhythm of fetus, the appreciable frequency of poly- (25,2 %) and an oligoamnios (8,1 %) are established; blood flow disturbance (rising of vascular resistance in uterine artery and a cord artery); existence of dishormonal disturbances (depression of the maintenance of a theelol) and an imbalance of placental proteins (depression trophic ?-glicoproteide against rising - a fetoprotein and-2 microglobulins of fecundity). The interrelation between development of gestational complications and depression of level of magnesium in blood serum is presented to various durations of gestation at women with an undifferentiated dysplasia of connecting tissue. The role of disturbances vegetatively nervous system is shown (rising of activity of sympathetic nervous system in ІІ trimester and depression before labors, and degree of expression of these implications depends on existence of neurocirculatory dystonia) in development of obstetric and perinatal pathology in women with an undifferentiated dysplasia of connecting tissue. It is established that quality of life at women with an undifferentiated dysplasia of connecting tissue the fenotipical implications of connective tissue dysplasia has the return, average reliable communication between health of patients quantity and expression (r=-0,676, P>95 %) the fenotipical of disturbances also depends on quantity and expression, the more signs of connective tissue dysplasia, the this indicator is lower. In process of advance of pregnancy there is deterioration of health and depression of quality of life at women to an undifferentiated dysplasia of connecting tissue. The received results allowed to prove scientifically need of improvement of algorithm of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic actions at women with an undifferentiated dysplasia of connecting tissue at women for the purpose of depression of frequency of obstetric and perinatal pathology. Use of the algorithm improved by us allowed normalised functional condition of fetoplacental complex, vegetative nervous system and the psychological status that, in turn, led to depression of frequency of preeclampsia from 44,0 % to 32,0 %, placental dysfunction from 50,0 % to 34,0 %, premature births - from 6,0 % to 4,0 %, an abdominal delivery - from 64,0 % to 46,0 % and perinatal losses - from 18,0 ‰ to 10,0 ‰ respectively.