The object of study is the professional training of future masters of education in higher education institutions; the subject of the research is the system of development of professional media culture of future masters of education; the purpose of the research is theoretical substantiation, development and experimental verification of the system of development of professional media culture of future masters of education; research methods - analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization of scientific and scientific-methodical literature, state documents, regulatory framework, concepts; axiomatic method; induction, deduction, comparison, systematization and generalization; classification; modeling; system method; pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation; testing, questioning, peer review, introspection and self-assessment; mathematical and statistical methods (average mean, pairwise comparisons, regression, cluster and correlation analysis); graphic methods; scientific novelty - for the first time the problem of development of professional media culture of future masters of education has been thoroughly investigated; conceptual bases of development of professional media culture of future masters of education as the basis of their improvement in the system have been theoretically substantiated; basic concepts of research have been analyzed and it has been determined that the concept of "professional media culture of future masters of education" is an integral quality of a personality, characterized by media educational orientation, system of theoretical and pedagogical knowledge in the field of media culture, formed ability in professional activity; the structure of professional media culture of future masters of education is developed and its components (value-motivational, information-cognitive, activity-technological, reflexive-evaluation) are characterized; it has been developed, theoretically substantiated and experimentally tested scientific and methodological system of development of professional media culture of future masters of education, which contains target, strategic-normative, theoretical-methodological, organizational-content, diagnostic-resultant blocks; criteria (motivational, cognitive, operational, personal) and indicators corresponding to the components of professional media culture of future masters are defined, four levels of its development are distinguished: low, medium, sufficient, high; the author's concept of development of professional media culture of future masters of education is substantiated; developed educational and methodological support for the development of professional media culture of future masters of education, consisting of a complex of educational technologies and methods of their implementation has been developed.