Bohuslavska V. Theoretical training of athletes in the system of long-term improvement in cyclic sports.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 24.00.01 - Олімпійський і професійний спорт


Specialized Academic Board

Д 35.829.01

Lviv State University of Physical Culture


The object is the theoretical preparation in sport; the goal is scientific-methodic justification of the theoretical preparation in cyclic kinds of sport and in preparation of specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sport; the methods are methods of theoretical level of investigation, empirical level of investigation and mathematical statistics; the novelty is justification of structure and content of the system of theoretical preparation of sportsmen on different stages of improvement during many years in cyclic kinds of sport; determination of normality of the theoretical sportsmen preparation; formulation of principles of theoretical preparation; justification of functions of concretization, standardization, organization, professional orientation and sportsmen’s self-improvement, that are determined in the process of scientific discussion of theoretical preparation in cyclic kinds of sport; the results are generalization of organizational-methodic thesis of theoretical preparation in the system of sportsmen improvement during many years in cyclic kinds of sport; determination of structure of theoretical preparation and requirements towards theoretical sportsmen preparation; justification of conceptual principles of theoretical preparation and information loading of theoretical preparation; elaboration and experimental prove of effectiveness of interactive tools of theoretical sportsmen’s preparation in cyclic kinds of sport; the specialization is physical education and sport.


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